Is your Mac not syncing correctly with iCloud? ... we give you the solution


In time, heto most Mac or iOS users They end up accumulating different devices, be it their current Mac or an auxiliary one, the iPhone, the iPad or even an older version of the one they have now that is still being used by someone else within their personal circle.

Whatever it is, you probably want everything to be neat and everything on your site and if you are using iCloud sometimes things go mysteriously wrong. Here are a couple of checklist actions with an easy-to-use checklist to find out what's wrong:


The most likely Apple problem

First, of course, you have to make sure that the problem is limited to iCloudAs your Mac may be able to do other online tasks successfully and your iPhone still loads web pages and receives non-iCloud mail. In this way, discarding these problems from the beginning, we can move on to the solutions of real problems.

Normally and although it sounds like a typical cliché, Technical Support always givesebe check the most basic aspects as they are Is it plugged in? or try restarting it. It is for this reason that the first thing we will do is check the Apple support page to see if iCloud has had an incident and is not working at that time, something that although evident we usually omit with the consequent loss of time and resources trying to solve something that is not in our hands.

If everything is correct we will go to the second check ... verify if iCloud synchronization is enabled and you are using the correct account through this path:

Mac (OS X Yosemite): > System Preferences> iCloud: Make sure the boxes on the right are checked.
iOS 8: Settings> iCloud> also check that the boxes are checked.

Incorrect time and date

We must also make sure that the equipment is synchronizing the date and time automatically correctly since sometimes the timestamps do not match and can cause synchronization problems.

Mac (OS X Yosemite): > System Preferences> Date and Time
In iOS 8: Settings> General> Date and time

Reset account settings

If all else fails, we will only have to log out of iCloud, close the account, restart the computer and log in again To see if it takes effect even in the most extreme cases pulling a backup or even a full format depending on the severity.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
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      Ruben Alfredo said

    Good afternoon, I get this message when I want to configure the iCloud account, «This apple ID is valid, but it does not correspond to an iCloud account.

      Jose Guillermo said

    This worked for me, and I sent a code to my phone to get in. since I have active the income in two steps for security.

    I had the problem that in Mojave, the iCloud option was blocked and it did not update.
    the way to solve it was the following:

    - Sign out of iCloud on my mac.
    - then go to iCloud on the web / enter the option: manage apple id and enter.
    - Then in the part of connected devices, delete the device that has the problem.
    - then go back to iCloud on the Mac and log in again.

      Victor Palacios said

    Thanks, it worked for me to check the date / time.

      Martin said

    My problem is that when I save a folder with several levels of sub-folders in icloud drive, the final files, those that are lower in the sub-sub folders, I get duplicates. Copies them twice. And not the folders or subfolders.