You can now buy cryptocurrencies from your usual Apple Pay cards thanks to Coinbase

Apple Pay

In June, Coinbase announced that its cryptocurrency debit card now supports Apple Pay and Google Play, which allows users to pay and receive cryptocurrencies in it using these payment methods. Now I know announces new functionality, a step further that makes Apple Pay a very interesting option: We can buy any cryptocurrency from regular cards from our Wallet. Plus other cool features.

Apple Pay is trusted, secure, and accepted in store, online, and in apps around the world with a credit or debit card with Apple Pay. If you already have a linked Visa or Mastercard debit card in your Apple Wallet, Apple Pay will automatically appear as a payment method when you buy cryptocurrencies with Coinbase on an Apple Pay compatible iOS device or Safari web browser.

That is, we can easily buy virtual currencies with just a few clicks. But it is that Coinbase also offers the  first system to offer instant cash withdrawals through real-time payments. At the moment only in the US and that allows users with linked bank accounts to instantly and securely charge up to $ 100.000 per transaction.

These instant withdrawals will allow you to get money in seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Also, there are no limits on the number of times it can be traded per day.

The setup is simple. If you already have an account linked to a Coinbase account, additional setup may not be required. With what is impossible to start operating.

Apple Pay not only spreads around the world to reach more countries and make things easy for its users, if not expands with new features that will surely be liked by many of them.

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