The best settings in WhatsApp to avoid privacy and storage problems

On many occasions, due to ignorance or laziness, we do not take full advantage of the different functionalities that many applications such as WhatsApp, something essential since it is one of the most used by millions of people around the world, and by making a few simple adjustments, it is possible avoid privacy and storage issues.

Some problems that are the order of the day in many apps, and that are a major concern for many companies, users and companies, as we saw in the talk about Privacy that Tim Cook recently offered, so if you want to optimize your messaging app favorite, discover the best settings in WhatsApp to avoid privacy and storage issues.

Privacy as a priority on WhatsApp  The best settings in WhatsApp to avoid privacy and storage problems

At a time when the Privacy is one of the priorities for many companies and users, especially in the face of continuous news about vulnerabilities in many apps and websites, it is essential to take as many measures as possible to guarantee avoiding privacy problems, something that is not only achieved in stay up to date with every new whatsapp update, but we also have to make some adjustments manually that will even help us to improve storage.

Those responsible for WhatsApp they increasingly have greater efforts to ensure user privacy on your messaging platform, through end-to-end encryption, guaranteeing that messages and calls are protected, thus preventing criminals such as hackers from accessing that information.

Currently, functions such as check Two-step and privacy controls to give users greater control over their personal information and who can access it are certainly a great advance, but they are not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to make some quick settings in WhatsApp to avoid privacy and storage issues. Do you want to meet them?

Privacy settings in WhatsApp

The first thing of all is to designate who can see your information, so we recommend that you go to "Settings > Account > Privacy", where you can choose who can see your profile photo, status, information, last connection time and read receipts.

Likewise, regarding groups on whatsapp, choose who can add you to groups and who can see the list of participants. Something essential to prevent people we don't know from being put into groups.

Very important also in the «two step verification» which not all users have activated and is vital, so activate this function in “Settings > Account > Security” to add an additional layer of to maximise security and your enjoyment. on your bill.

Also, although it is something more personal to each person, it is resorting to using the fingerprint or Face ID to be able to access this and other applications, instead of the typical pin, something that we could already see in the introduction of Passkeys in iOS.

Memory settings in WhatsApp

Along with privacy, other best settings in WhatsApp What you will be able to do is about storage, since you will surely know that this app, due to the large volume of photos, documents and videos that are shared, takes up a lot of space on your iPhone, unless you resort to a series of memory settings.

For example, regarding the automatic download of files, it is best that you deactivate it, since you could end up saturating the memory space you have with photos, videos and audios, so go to «Settings > Data and storage«. Also, take into account the file quality multimedia, where it is advisable to reduce the quality of the photos and videos you send to save space.

Another important point is the storage cleaning, so if you have free time, dedicate it to delete manually files, photos, videos and chats that you no longer need. Also, don't forget to do a test from time to time. Backup, to be able to save your chats and files safely.

Other settings in WhatsApp to avoid problems

In addition to privacy and memory, other settings that we recommend are mute notifications chats, especially group chats or contacts that are not a priority for you, and it is also recommended archive chats irrelevant so that they do not take up space.

Also recommended is the uninstall unofficial apps from third parties, in case you have one, since WhatsApp increasingly brings together more functionalities, which makes it unnecessary for you to have other apps, in addition to being a possible weak point and offering security risks if you use other apps together with the META app.

Lastly, and as you should always keep in mind, be careful with suspicious links and messages, especially if they come to you from supposed banks or contacts who contact you, without having them in your contact list. Don't share your personal details or click on links from unknown sources!

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