What to do if you don't see a file from iCloud Drive

icloud drive

After much research on the network I have come to a thread of Apple users in which a solution was given to a problem that I was having with the display of certain documents within iCloud Drive. The problem that we are going to solve today appears if you use iCloud Drive on your Mac and create folders in it from the Finder.

Any Mac user who has decided locate your documents in iCloud Drive what you will have done is copy the files and folders and paste them into iCloud Drive. If you have also done that, the problem that we are going to talk about is surely happening to you.

When a PC or Mac user is generating files on their computer, the most normal thing is that if it is moderately organized, they create folders and file subfolders. Now, if you have decided to locate all your files in iCloud Drive, you will have to do a folder restructuring before doing so since, for now, the iCloud Drive system only allows iOS devices to read only one level of folders.


That is why if within a folder we have another folder and within it Pages, Numbers or Keynote files, the files in that internal folder are not going to be seen in any way. You will have to remove the files to the main folder to be located by the iOS system.

As we have indicated, you will only run into this problem if you move a hierarchy of folders from the Finder to iCloud Drive since if you enter an iOS device and you try to make a folder inside another the same system won't let you. 

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      AmstradUser said

    And it is that iCloud Drive is still green, it lacks many of the basic options of DropBox (an example of a good work), in addition to not being able to access the files directly from iOS (although with the new version that comes if it will be possible) . Sharing folders is missing. It is a very limited cloud storage service, hopefully it will improve in the next updates.

      Alejandro said

    Thanks, as always for your contributions!
    I have this same problem and did not understand why ?! Until now, of course.
    Wait then, thank you very much!

      Cesar said

    Let's see if it happens to someone. iCloud tells me that I don't have space, that I can buy more, but if I access the files folder on my iPhone it doesn't show me anything, except an empty folder "Documents by readdle"

      zoroaster said

    I have an Apple i pad version 10.3.4 that a Canadian gave me and if the i cloud drive icon appears automatically whenever I activate my Apple id but in hers, which is an Apple i pad a little thinner ... it doesn't appear its i cloud drive because it will be! …… ..

      Ariela said

    I passed my documents folder to iCloud, and now I can't see any of my files, now I understand thanks to your explanation, but I don't know how to recover my files. Please help