What would you name macOS 10.14? [Poll]

Cook Keynote

Some days ago we talk in I'm from Mac on the possible names that Apple might be thinking of using for the new macOS. Mojave, Sequoja, Sonoma and Ventura They would be some of the candidates to baptize the next operating system of the Cupertino company, but the favorite according to the different reports is still macOS Mojave.

It seems that the numbering is quite clear and Apple will not put 10 aside for the next version, but what is not so clear is the name with which the next OS will be baptized. We have no idea what Apple is thinking at the moment and the name is something that we will not discover until the beginning of the keynote for next Monday, June 4, but while this is happening we are going to do a little survey to see what you think.

Obviously we are not going to extend the names much, but in the comments you can leave the name that you think Apple will use for the next version of macOS, if it does not appear among what appears to be the "most popular" in surveys.

What would you name macOS 10.14?

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Of course the subject of the name is something curious and with the passage of time we have seen very radical changes or on the contrary very subtle changes, as is the case with the latest versions of the system in which Apple has not eaten their heads over the names, from macOS Sierra to macOS High Sierra, is the clear example of this.

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