The native Mac applications allow us to do a great variety of functions with our files, highlighting the simplicity and quick and easy editing of a file, photo or video, with the possibility of completing the work with a specific program if necessary.
The Photos application allows you to store photos and videos for creating albums, synchronizing with iCloud and making a small edition of them. In the case of videos, it not only allows us to view them, but also to make the following adjustments. Open Photos and we see it.
Shorten its duration: by clicking on the video, the Play bar, video duration, etc. appear in semi-transparent gray. similar to the bar we know from QuickTime. In the upper right part of said bar, you will find the clock gear symbol. By pressing it, various options appear. The first one is "Shorten". By selecting this option, the gray bar becomes a kind of videotape surrounded by a yellow line. The right and left end is thicker and by clicking on either one and dragging, we can shorten or lengthen the video to our liking and we will always see the point where we are on the same screen. Once it conforms to our wishes, click on Shorten and the video will be ready.
Show frame advance buttons: It allows us to simultaneously the forward / backward buttons with: frame by frame or the advance speed: x2, x5, x10, x30.
Poster Frame: It is used to assign a cover for the video. Photos by default will use the first one. To do this, we will place the video in the exact position of the frame that we want as the cover and click on the option found in the clock gear as "Set Poster Frame". If we go out we will see this image as a poster.
Export Frame as Image: Used to get a photo of the video. (We must bear in mind that in general the video has a lower quality than the image and this photo obtained will have worse quality). We go to the frame, press the gear and use the option "Export Frame as Image". Important: This image will be exported to the images folder on our hard drive and not to the Photos tab of the application.