Unexpected reboots on MacBooks with M1 and macOS 11.1

M1 Big South

Some users are complaining about Unexpected reboots of MacBook Airs with new M1 processors and macOS 11.1 Big Sur operating system. This version, which has been released rather recently, seems to already have this problem according to some developers, but it was finally released without a solution.

Now some users are suffering from these unexpected reboots. Ultimately what they say is that when you connect an external monitor to the computer or a HUB in the USB C port, they cause the computer to restart. The Reddit Support Forum saw the complaints of some of these affected users and so far there are no responses from Apple.

Problems for Macs with M1

There is no news about problems of another type with the new M1 processors, so at the moment it is one of the first failures that "resonate" through the network and although they are not exclusive to the MacBook Air with M1 since it seems that they reproduce less in the rest of the models of the range with this processor but also occurs occasionally in MacBook Pro and Mac mini.

For now, Apple did not make any statement about it and it is expected that if the problem intensifies, they will end up launching a new version of macOS. And it seems that the problem is related to the software and not with the hardware as previously with other versions there were no reboot problems and else.

Are you one of those affected by these reboots on MacBooks with M1 processors? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

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      Enrique Muñoz Martinez said

    In line with the news you publish, I will tell you that I have had those problems of unexpected reboots on a Mac Mini with M1, also when connecting the i Phone to make a backup I got notices of "the file is not found" and finally setting it up from a Time Machine copy left me quite a few folders bypassed.
    Yesterday I spent the whole morning on the phone with Apple's technical service trying to solve the problems without success and in the end I am going to return the Mac (it is the first time something similar has happened to me with their products and I already have a few), and how They did not have one like it in the short term, I will delay the purchase until next year, I will continue with my old Mini (9 years old), which with the logical limitations of age works perfectly,

      Juan Ignacio said

    The same thing happened to me, the first mac mini M1 I bought was left hanging with the screen protector using it, one day it just turned off and did not start. They made me a replacement and this second one restarted without further ado. I don't know if it's a software issue or a hardware issue, when I call apple it seems like it's not a known bug. Now I don't know whether to ask for a replacement or return. What a mess!!!!!

      Lucas martin said

    Hello people. It happens to me that from time to time I turn on my Mac with M1 and I can't find the cursor ... it's like crazy ... the track pad works rather perfectly. until I close the Mac I leave it closed for a while and then everything returns to normal. what will it be ???

      Daniel said

    I have had MacBook Pro M1 for 1 month. Big Sur 11.2.3. It restarts all the time. Native Apple applications such as mail as well and safari as well.

      samuel said

    Unexpected restart on MacBook Pro m1 while watching YouTube in 4k format
    MacBook Pro m1 Big Sur 11.4
    a bother
    waiting for solution from apple

      George said

    it happens to me, thanks.

      Frey said

    Same. Reboots sometimes, purple screen and rebooted. I have it connected to a thunderbolt display. In one day it happened 3 times.

      José Luis said

    I have a Macbook Pro M1 and I usually use it with an external monitor. Well, for a few days I have the unexpected restarts ...
    Let's see what happens because I've been with the laptop for a month.

      Jorge Arturo Echeverri Davila said

    I have these unexpected reboots, they are not constant but it still happens with the Mac being in sleep.
    I have a MacBook Air M1 with Monterrey 12.1