Tip: use the magnifying glass in Preview to see the detail (Lion only)

Screenshot 2011 10 26 to 03 35 02

I bet many of you do not know this, and surely it will come in handy for the occasional situation in which you have to enlarge specific parts of an image.

Zooming with the magnifying glass is as simple as opening an image -as I have done with my cat's- and pressing the «` »key, instant in which a magnifying glass will be displayed whose size we can control with the «+» and «-» keys until it is the size we want.

This feature is inherited from iOS in its text editing, and welcome!

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      Raul said

    It's not the "+" key, it's the "` "key (grave accent).

      Carlinhos said

    You're right Raúl, I went one to the right 😉

      pipe said

    and in the MBP how is it done ???