Thousands of uniquely designed templates for Pages, Numbers and Keynote

Templates for iWork on sale

If you took the step of leaving the office suite of "windows" and you switched to using Pages, Numbers and Keynote as your main text editor, spreadsheet and presentation editor respectively, today you are in luck because in I'm from mac we bring you an incredible collection with thousands of templates and unique designs so that your works always look original and different.

From now on you will no longer have to worry about the design of your presentations, your reports or your class work looking boring and always the same. With Template Expert You just have to focus on the content and choose a template from the thousands available, all of them with different, attractive, original designs. Come on, it's going to cost you to repeat.

Your works will have an original and professional design with Templates for iWork

Templates for iWork, as its name suggests, is a pack of templates for Apple's office suite that it offers us more than 1.250 unique, original and professional designs for Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.

With this complete application, you will no longer have to worry about the design of your work, your reports, your documents or your presentations, simply choose the designs and styles that you like the most and focus on entering the information.

Templates for Pages, Numbers and Keynote on sale

Templates for iWork includes:

  • More than 1200 templates for Pages of different types (brochures, posters, invitations, business cards ...) and different styles, all of them with modern and professional finishes.
  • 40 Pro templates for Pages, designed to give a unified and prominent design to all the documents that represent a company: brochures, invoices, letters, envelopes and business cards.
  • 50 templates so you can create photo and scrapbook albums unique and original, with text boxes, bookmarks and lots of details.
  • 125 templates for Numbers that you can customize according to your needs: create tables, insert images, and more.
  • 90 presentation themes Keynote available in five sizes.
  • Thousands of high-quality illustrations and images that you can easily use in all your creations: textures, clipart images, images with transparent backgrounds, people, objects and more. Just choose, drag and drop.

In addition, Templates for iWork is part of the first weekly promotion of the “Mac App Store Sales” campaign so that, if you hurry, you can get this incredible collection of templates with a 95% discount, paying so 1,09 only instead of the usual twenty euros. Do not let it escape, the promotion will be valid only until tomorrow Wednesday June 28 at midnight.

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