Purchase financing could come to Apple Pay


It seems that the Cupertino firm wants to launch an installment payment service for Apple Pay users. According to the Bloomberg media, the Cupertino firm is working on a service called "Apple Pay Later" with which users could finance their purchases made with Apple Pay in monthly payments.

This service that would be implemented for all Apple Pay users and would be in principle limited to users in the United States, it could arrive much sooner than we think as he explains Bloomberg in your article.

The Apple Card already allows payment financing

Currently Apple's physical card, Apple Card, already allows users make a 24-month financing of the payments made, but in this case the user could pay for any purchase with monthly plans in a much more comfortable way.

As we all know, Goldman Sachs is in charge of offering these payment cards and in this case the monthly payment service would also go through this financial institution. Obviously, you have to pass some filters so that this financing is available to the user as they do with their cards. Best of all, this service would be fully integrated into Apple Pay And this is really what is interesting for users since the tranquility offered by this payment service in every way is the key.

At the moment this is only a report and there is nothing official, it will be time to wait to see if Apple ends up launching this service to its users in the United States or not.

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