The arrival of the fourth generation Apple TV almost a year and a half ago has meant a true transformation in the way we watch television. It is true that this already sounds like a cliché, but it is the plain truth, and those who have this device in their home, and are lovers of movies, television series or documentaries, can certify it. And this despite the fact that large media groups such as ATresMedia, Mediaset, and even Amazon, still resist doing what they should have already done: launching their content app for Apple TV.
But let's not fool ourselves, the Apple TV 4, along with its fantastic tvOS operating system, would be nothing without the hard work of many developers, just like, given the incomprehensible attitude of groups like the aforementioned, Netflix or HBO would not even have landed in our country. Therefore, this article is not about Apple TV, but about those applications, the best in my modest opinion, with which you can enjoy hundreds, thousands, of movies, series and documentaries, forgetting once and for all about the ads.
Star applications to watch movies and series on Apple TV
I already anticipate that This post is intended for those readers who love movies and / or television series. In Apple TV 4 there are many applications of all kinds, but today we focus on audiovisual content.
I also want to anticipate that some of the following applications will be obvious to many of you, but precisely because they are obvious, they are here. Shall we start? Oh and if what you want is download free movies, go to the link that we just left you.
Well, yes, first of all we put the most obvious, the app Netflix for Apple TV, an app that stands out in two dimensions:
- The enormous quality, quantity and variety of content, although it is true that there are always movies that it would be better to forget.
- Its great user interface and its suggestion logarithm.
With Netflix you can create multiple user profiles, one for each family member, and the system will learn what you like by continuously showing you movies, series and documentaries that fit their interests. Thus, the "My list" section grows at a rate higher than what you are capable of consuming, and as time passes, it learns more and more, becoming more and more precise.
Daredevil, Narcos, House of Cards, Santa Clarita's Diet and hundreds of other titles are just some of the examples that will blow your mind.
We cannot ignore the app HBO for Apple TV however, It is part of this selection more for the quality of its content than for the quality of the app itself. Westworld, The Young Pope, The Wire, Silicon Valley, Game of Thrones, The Exorcist, Tabboo, etc., they show the quality of HBO's contents, as always, with exceptions, however, its user interface leaves a lot to be desired: you cannot create user profiles, you cannot add a series to your list but individual chapters, and of course, it is not as "smart" as Netflix.
Still, if you love movies and series, HBO cannot be absent.
RTVE Series and Clan TV
We have seen two streaming TV services that, as we all know, are paid; however, the offer, although limited, is wider. I put apps in the same batch RTVE Series, with which you can enjoy a huge number of series in its entirety, free and without advertisements on Spanish public television, and ClanTV, a similar app but with children's content and also in English so that the little ones can learn this language.
Both are free and you can download them directly from the App Store of your Apple TV, and they have respective versions for iOS.
Infuse and Plex
If you like to have movies, series, documentaries, downloaded programs on your Mac or on an external hard drive, with Infuse or with plex you can enjoy all this content directly on the Apple TV 4 without having to use AirPlay from an iOS device.
I will not go into details about each of them as it would be too extensive a comparison, however, I do encourage you to examine both carefully and choose the one that best meets your interests. I leave you the links of both.
VidLib It is such a fantastic app that I will save it for last. Can you imagine being able see all the contents that are distributed in pages such as HDFull, Pordede, Series Dando, etc. directly on your Apple TV? So do not talk anymore. Of course, VidLib is functionality, although I know that its developer is working on a user experience that will surprise us.
VidLib is your personal video-on-demand library.
You will be able to enjoy video on demand channels in Spanish that the community has added. But the best thing is that you can add your video channels yourself and create your own library.
Our system will search and extract, from the website you indicate, the video directory and its links. If you can find it, you can add the web as a channel to your list. And if you can't, because the website is not yet supported by our algorithm, don't worry, you can send the web address from the app to our suggestion box.
And crackle and mubi?