Solution if your Apple Watch does not tell you the time spoken with Minnie and Mickey

Months go by and I am increasingly impressed by my co-worker Magüi Ojeda. Not long ago you took the step to buy a brand new Apple Watch in gold aluminum, a 2mm Apple Watch Series 38. Since she has it, she has been delighted but that does not save her from having the clock give her headaches on certain occasions. 

A few days ago he decided to install a watchOS update that he had pending and what was his surprise that when the whole process finished the watch was not recognized by his iPhone. He was linking by Bluetooth, unlinking, restarting the iPhone and NOTHING ...

Faced with this situation, he looked for me at work and told me… Pedro! I need you to help me with this Apple Watch because I can't get the iPhone to detect it. After several checks, we decided to erase Apple Watch settings and make a new link with the iPhone. After this, everything was fine.

However, days later he comes up to me again and tells me that the dial of Mickey and Minnie did not tell the time spoken when he pressed on the clock. He realized this because his beautiful daughter Sofía loves to hear Minnie's spoken time ... lol Well, faced with such a problem, We got down to work to solve it but after several attempts we did not find the solution. 

That same afternoon, I received a message from my partner telling me that she already had the solution, which made me very happy and I saw that she had managed to find a solution even though I had not been able to do anything. For all this is why I have decided to make an article to tell you what he did in case the same thing happens to any of you. 

The fact is that when you activate the option for Mickey and Minnie to say the spoken time, it is not enough to activate it on the Apple Watch or in the Watch application and it is that the watch must be connected to the Internet to be able to download the voice module that it installs so that later the voice can be heard when pressing on said sphere. Therefore, what Magüi did was put the Apple Watch to charge with the cable by induction and at the same time put the iPhone connected to the WiFi network. In a first attempt it had no result, so he decided to erase the Apple Watch and link it again, after which the system did lower the voice module and installed them, obtaining again the funny Mickey and Minnie spheres with their voices.

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      adrien fernandez said

    Leaving the watch linked and connected to the same network as the iphone as long as it is 2.4ghz band for about 20 minutes or half an hour solves the problem, it happened to me the first time and after doing the above, the problem is solved 10 from 10.

      SOFIA said

    Hello Pedro. As always, this is another one of your great articles. The other day you told me that new areas of Disney characters would arrive. Do you know when A big kiss. Kisses

      Luis said

    You can also follow this advice first before restarting and linking again.

      Luis said

    Perfect, I did not go on the Fri of Minnie or Mickey and just by charging the watch and adding the spheres again, the voices can be heard. Thank you very much