Snow Leopard is currently installed on more than 25% of active Macs


The adoption of Lion and Mountain Lion has been quite good, but there are certain users who think that the improvements are not enough to update and who prefer to stay in Snow Leopard ... or that they have no other choice because their Mac is PowerPC.

Say the boys of Net Applications we about 30% of Macs are running Snow Leopard, while roughly 25% of Macs have Mountain Lion, a figure that is not bad at all for a relatively new operating system.

I imagine that Apple is happy with these numbers, although they might like to see a little more adoption of Mountain Lion by users with compatible Intel computers.

Source | TUAW

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      George said

    I am among them. When ML came out and I saw that I could not install it and already tired of the poor performance of Lion I went back to Snow Leopard.

      Alvaro Ocana said

    apple has been looking for it for not allowing my macbook white 4,1 2008 core2duo to have ML installed, so I have stayed in Lion that with 10.7.5 is not bad. And I would go back to Snow Leopard if it weren't for the iCloud issue …… .apple you are looking like …… not to mention Siri on the iPad 2 and that if the iPad mini takes it both having the same Core.