It seems that soon we will be able to stop depending on Google to translate web pages of languages that we do not know. Machine translation of safari, available in the US since the introduction of iOS 14, it seems that it is beginning to be implemented in other countries.
Multiple users of Germany and Brazil They are publishing on social networks that they already have activated the translation of web pages from other languages to the default on their iPhone or on their Mac. So hopefully soon it will begin to be seen in the Safari of our devices, and stop depending on Chrome or Edge for it.
With the new version of iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur Apple introduced a new feature in Safari: the real-time translation of web pages. This feature, until now, was only available in United States, but it seems that international expansion is starting.
Apple seems to have remotely enabled the translation option in Safari for Germany and Brazil. It is available to users running iOS14.1, iOS14.2 and the beta of Big Sur macOS Release
Several users in Germany and Brazil are publishing on social networks that machine translation has been remotely activated in the native Apple Safari browser, both in their iPhones as in the Macs, with the firmwares listed above.
Safari's machine translation allows users to translate in the following eleven languages- Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish, on both iOS Safari and macOS Big Sur Safari.
Currently you can have this translation from the Google translator extension, which you can install in the Google browser Chrome or in his first cousin Edge from Microsoft.
Without a doubt, it will be much better to use the Safari translator (if you do it well, of course) and thus stop giving information to Google about the pages you visit and translate. Hopefully it will arrive soon.