The best Safari extensions for your Mac

The best Safari extensions for your Mac

Apple has always stood out for offering high quality products, truly attractive to users and for knowing how to promote them properly; something that we have all seen when, for example, a new iPhone, iPad or Mac model was launched. However, these commercial skills are not always so notable when it comes to publicizing and exploit the virtues from your browser, safari, a great unknown to many, but which will undoubtedly surprise us when we see its best extensions.

At the time we were already approaching this internet browser In a previous article about Safari curiosities, but now let's see how to get the most out of this browser on mac, which in general is a great unknown for users who are used to other operating systems, but which nevertheless hides pleasant surprises as a Extensions, which is undoubtedly worth knowing.

A browser unknown to many users The best Safari extensions for your Mac

Surely when you turn on your MacWithin the different applications and programs that you have pre-installed as standard, Safari is ignored and quickly replaced by other more popular alternatives such as Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Something that we already told you is totally undeserved, since this browser is configured properly and takes advantage of the best Safari extensions for your Mac, you will be able to get great performance out of it.

This internet explorer It is ideal not only for Mac, but also for use on our iPhone, since it allows us to perform such common actions as closing all Safari tabs at the same time, but it also offers us the opportunity to get closer to a Extensions that help us enormously on a daily basis, always if we configure them properly.

Although Chrome and Firefox have a strong brand image as most trusted browsers, fast and feature-rich, Safari, on the other hand, may be perceived as an exclusive browser for Apple devices, which limits its appeal to users of other platforms, but if you have a Mac, we recommend that it be your first choice. Something that you will undoubtedly verify after having read the interesting extensions that you have available.

1Password Extension

Possibly one of the best if what you want is to optimize your productivity compared to the Mac, since with the 1Password extension you will be able to have a more than recommended password manager to keep your passwords safe and organized.

Grammarly Extension

Another very good extension that cannot be missing in every good browser is undoubtedly a grammar and style checker which helps you write better in Spanish and other languages, without any spelling mistakes. A genius to learn correctly while, for example, preparing an email and you don't want to make mistakes.

Translate Safari Extension 

In addition to grammar, if you want to be able to quickly translate content on an internet address, then this web page translator It is perfect, since it allows you to translate text into any language.

Evernote Extension

A classic that is also present in other browsers, and that becomes something quite essential to be able to easily cut web content and save it, as a Evernote notes. An extension that undoubtedly enhances productivity and is essential for many professionals.

Pocket Extension

Related to the previous one, if the tutorial is surfing the Internet and save everything you find, then you need a good extension that allows you to save all types of content, from articles, websites and videos, so you can read them or take a look at them later.

Todoist Extension

The best ally for our memory! An extension that offers us the opportunity to manage tasks of your daily life, which helps you as “things to do” and stay organized and productive.

uBlock Origin Extension

If you are fed up with the crazy ads that bombard you when browsing in Safari, then what you need is a good ad blocker effective, and also protects your privacy.

Privacy Badger Extension

Essential to avoid entering fraudulent or unsafe sites, this extension ensures that you connect to websites on HTTPS, which protects your data. Remember that the sites http, The information is transmitted in plain text, making it vulnerable to interception and theft by third parties. Only trust entering HTTPS sites!

DuckDuckGo Extension

Likewise, related to your privacy, this extension in Safari It offers you a private search engine, along with anti-tracking protection and other tools, which makes it essential when using this browser on your Mac.

Reachability Extension

If your thing is to enjoy the best videos on the internet, another very good extension is this one that allows you watch videos in picture-in-picture mode, so that for example you can continue watching a video while browsing other tabs, without having to close it.

Safari for Mac The best Safari extensions for your Mac

Once you've seen some of the best extensions for Safari, you will surely want to give this browser a second chance on your Mac, especially if you have never used it before, or you come from another ecosystem like Windows. Go ahead and take advantage of these extensions that will allow you to make the most of Safari!

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