Safari 10 now available for OS X El Capitan and OS X Yosemite

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This has been an afternoon of updates and how could it be otherwise, the Safari browser for OS X El Capitan and OS X Yosemite has also received its new version. This update comes with some improvements in browser performance in addition to making it cCompatible with some extensions that can be obtained directly from the Mac App Store. The new version comes with a series of new features that leave the browser with several security fixes and some new features that we will reveal below.

The first thing that stands out the most in this new Safari update is that privacy, security and compatibility are improved. Then we find some interesting improvements how the security reinforcement when we run modules on authorized websites. Also add content loading improvements making it faster and thereby improving the autonomy of our Mac. Another improvement of this new version is that auto-fill feature is enhanced and support is provided for auto-fill any contact information from the Contacts application. The reader's view format is also improved and now the browser itself will save the zoom ratio that we perform on each website we visit.

Remember that it is necessary to restart the machine to be able to install this new version that we will find when accessing the Mac App Store in the updates tab and once the download and update process is finished a reboot is required. Otherwise if we need more information about this update we can go directly to the Apple support website

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      David said

    Thanks for the information, it has been very useful. I just updated the Safari 10 version and restarting the Mac no longer works for me. I can not open. Do you know if there is a problem?
    Thank you very much

         Jordi Giménez said

      Good David,

      Well, you shouldn't have a problem of any kind. Try restarting your Mac again if it doesn't work for you.

      tell us!