One week after the launch of the first macOS Sierra beta, Apple just made the beta of Safari 10 available to developers for users of OS X El Capitan and OS X Yosemite. This means that developers can now start testing this tenth version of Safari without having to completely update the operating system by installing macOS Sierra, which if you have Safari 10 installed natively.
An important part of the news that Safari 10 will bring us are limited to running in conjunction with macOS Sierra such as the ability to make payments through Apple Pay and the Picture-in-Picture function. However, other important functions are available to users who are currently using OS X Yosemite and OS X El Capitan, including Spotlight searches.
Within the possibilities that Safari 10 allows us running it in OS X El Capitan and OS X El Capitan we find:
- Safari extensions
- New bookmarks bar
- Zoom in on a specific part
- Reading view improvements
- Allow to open recently closed tabs.
- Suggestions in Spotlight
- Improvements in the most visited websites
- Improvements in the filling of forms and business cards.
- Web Inspector
- Debugging using the Web Inspector
A couple of weeks ago we informed you of the natively deactivation of Flash in the tenth version of Safari, so that we will be able to establish in which pages we want to run flash and in which not, so that we will be able to have more control in all the time the web pages we visit that want to run Flash, that sinkhole of viruses and malware in which it has become in recent months, forcing the developer, Adobe, to publicly recommend that users delete it directly, even though it has kept updating the application trying to fix the bugs in its platform.