Put the white and pink background on Spotify with this trick

Put the white and pink background on Spotify with this trick

Within the different music apps which can be downloaded in the App Store, the one that is most interesting for users, is undoubtedly Spotify, not only for its extensive musical catalog, constantly updated and easy to use, but also for the different functionalities it offers, not only on a technical level, but also aesthetic what is the power like put the white and pink background on Spotify with a simple trick.

If you are a user of this app and for you to listen to the Spotify songs They are essential in your daily life. Surely you will know this small but interesting trick. en Spotify, will allow you to visualize your interface, removing the typical black and white background, and applying colors that are somehow kinder and that are visually less exhausting for our eyes. Do you want to know this and other tricks about Spotify?

The best music app  Put the white and pink background on Spotify with this trick

First of all, if by chance you don't know what it is Spotify, you should keep the idea that it is one of the best applications that you can have on your iPhone, Mac, iPad, etc., to be able to listen to your favorite artists, currently being the leading platform inside of the streaming songs.

With it you will be able to access a wide variety of songs, albums and even podcasts. It is an app that also offers extensive customization both in the selection of music and in the appearance of the application, since for example you will be able to put a white and pink background on Spotify with a simple trick that you should not miss, if you want to give it a different touch from the rest of the users.

Did you know that you can also customize the appearance of the app, even changing the background colors to a warm pink? Well, if you had no idea about this, take a look at this article, one of the simplest tricks but without a doubt more attractive that you should not miss.

Steps to change Spotify with a pink and white background

To change Spotify background color to pink It is easier than you think. You just need to follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the setting from your iPhone.
  • Navigate to the accessibility section.
  • Look for the configuration option by application.
  • Add Spotify to the list of applications.
  • Once added, go to Spotify settings.
  • Look for the option of invert colors and activate it.

And that's it! Now you can enjoy the pink aesthetic in your favorite music application. Can customize your Spotify with colored backgrounds Pink is a fun way to add a unique touch to your favorite music app. Whether you prefer to follow this step-by-step guide or simply experiment on your own, these tricks will help you give a much friendlier look to the interface of your favorite music app. So do not expect more, Put your Spotify with a pink background!

Is it worth changing the background color? 

It is already known that in terms of tastes, colors and that there is nothing written that is dogma. However, the possibility of being able customize as much as possible any application that we use practically every day, is undoubtedly a very interesting factor for users, since they can choose between the default dark design, which in some cases can be overwhelming, to being able to put the pink and white background.

Colors that evoke feelings of calm, sweetness, serenity and freshness, which can help many people enjoy an app with a nice and friendly design while you browse the application, discover trends, new groups and listen to music. Additionally, this color combination can be aesthetically more pleasing for those looking for a more neutral appearance, and also that less eye strain, since for example dark tones can be more visually tiring.

Enjoy the Spotify app Put the white and pink background on Spotify with this trick 3

If you have never downloaded and tried this great app, we highly recommend that you try it from the following link, since despite offering monthly subscriptions for a few euros, you can use the free version without problems with ads, which are not very annoying, and which is undoubtedly worth it for the enormous functionalities that it offers, and the possibility, as we have seen, of being able to put some background colors many more friendly and luminous. Download it from the following link in the App Store! 

In short, discover how customize your Spotify with a simple trick that allows you change background colors to white and pink. An option that not only transforms the aesthetics of the application, but also adds a touch of freshness and style to the musical interface of one of the best apps of the moment. With this customization trick, you will be able to enjoy - if possible even more - a great app that is almost essential, both for music lovers and for users who seek to listen to their favorite artists daily, in addition to being able to access a huge amount of podcasts and other content .

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