The continuing problems Apple has faced in recent months have not allowed the Cupertino-based company to end the year well. If before the end of the year it was Apple who was always on everyone's lips, now it is Intel and the serious vulnerabilities are that have detected in most of their processors.
As expected, the large software manufacturers are mainly those who have had to get down to work to try to patch these vulnerabilities that have put almost every computer and server in the world in check. Apple has released the macOS High Siera 10.13.2 update for the most modern computers, but it has not been the only one.
The guys from Cupertino have also remembered that today in the market we can find a large number of Macs, a large number, that are still fully operational. In order not to leave them aside and that they may suffer future security problems due to vulnerabilities detected in Intel processors, it has released Safari 11.0.2 for macOS Sierra and OS X El Capitan, the versions of Apple's operating systems that They hit the market in 2016 and 2015 respectively.
The Safari update to version 11.0.2 is available directly through the Mac App Store and once we install it we will not need to restart the Mac, as if it happens with the macOS High Sierra security update that Apple has released at the same time as the one directed to older OS. All these updates come from the hand of the iOS update to version 11.2.2 for both iPhone and iPad, which includes security improvements, so it is also not only recommended, but rather mandatory to install it as soon as possible.