Apple engineers are working hard on improvements to the current system, OS X Mavericks, on a day when updates to the system have been made available to users. Safari for OS X Lion and for OS X MavericksAlso The new revision of OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 has been released to developers.
This is the third beta of the current operating system, which will be the last to show off the design we currently know since in autumn, its new version will be launched, baptized by those of Cupertino as OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Yes, we continue with the batch of updates, this time for developers and is that Apple has already made available the third beta of the OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks operating system. This beta comes coded with identifier 13F14This being the last possible update of this system before the long-awaited OS X Yosemite and its new features and flatter design are released.
In the information that Apple has left to the developers, emphasizes that they focus on the Safari app (What a coincidence that today they have also released an update of it), as well as in the system support for USB and Thunderbolt as well as graphics cards and USB smart cards. If we think a bit, Apple could be preparing for that new standard of USB Tico C that today we will also discuss in an article
The update is now available for download from the Developer Center.