OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is updated for better compatibility with the App Store

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Although we think that Snow Leopard (one of the most acclaimed versions of OS X for its reliability and good performance), it has passed away, you are wrong. Apple has just updated the latest version of this system that was released to give it greater compatibility with the Mac App Store and that it can still run on this version.

We have to think that there are still teams that either because of their hardware or due to specific circumstances, cannot upgrade to more advanced versions and that therefore continue in Snow Leopard. For this same reason and although the system has lost official support from Apple, still continues to release the odd "patch" very from time to time to update some of the software and to continue being compatible with such important functions as the App Store for example.

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In particular the update add some changes to the signing certificate used by the Mac App Store so that the user can continue downloading software from this platform.

As we can read in the update notes:

  • The update is recommended for all Snow Leopard users.
  • Updating the Mac App Store for Mac OS X Snow Leopard ensures future compatibility from the Mac App Store with OS X Snow Leopard. Recommended for all Snow Leopard users.
  • The update installs an intermediate and renewed signing certificate required by the Mac App Store. This certificate ensures that you can continue to use the Mac App Store in Snow Leopard to purchase new applications and run any previously purchased applications that use the validation system.
  • Includes improvements to notifications from the Mac App Store.

If your system version is Snow Leopard, you can download update through the Apple menu -> Software Update. You can also download a standalone 3.5MB installer from the link below.

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      Oscar said

    I thought Snow Leopard was no longer supported, uhmn the best OS X ever created without a doubt!

      fini ayala said

    I have a mac mini 10.6.8, when buying a new printer it tells me that the software does not support it, it has to be 10.8. How can I add a new version?