Just a few days after macOS Big Sur release On the part of Apple, some users have begun to comment that they are suffering serious problems with this new version of macOS. The coincidence with these users is that all of them have installed this new system on MacBook Pro from late 2013 and mid 2014. The biggest problem that is emerging is terminal blocking.
Some users are reporting serious problems with the new version of the macOS Big Sur operating system with older MacBook Pro terminals. We are talking about late 2013 and mid 2014 machines. Users are reporting these problems in the forums existing in macrumors, Reddit and the Apple support forums.
Users they report that during the course of the upgrade to macOS Big Sur, their machines are locked showing a black screen. The key reset combinations, including NVRAM, SMC, Safe Mode, and Internet Recovery, are reportedly inaccessible after trying to install the update.
It appears that the overwhelming number of users experiencing problems are late 2013 and mid 2014 13-inch MacBook Pro owners, but it is unclear exactly how many users of these models have been affected. It is also noteworthy that these are the oldest models supported by macOS Big Sur.
It seems like Apple is already aware of these problems and it will be doing what it is supposed to do in order to solve these problems. But until it's clear what may be causing the problem and Apple releases a fix, users with a late 2013 and mid 2014 13-inch MacBook Pros should consider not installing macOS Big Sur on their computers.
These things usually happen, that's why always it is good to wait a little before installing the new versions, at least until it is known if there are no too serious problems.
Weird, weird ... I have updated 2 MacBook Pro from late 2013 ... 15 "and 13" and not a problem