New security update for macOS Mojave and High Sierra

macOS Mojave

Like any other manufacturer committed to its customers, such as Microsoft and Samsung, Apple has just released a new security update for devices that today are still managed by macOS Mojave or High Sierra, terminals that are not compatible with the latest versions of macOS.

This new security update, baptized as 2020-006 is responsible for patching Three security issues Google's Project Zero had found and brought to the attention of Apple. These updates are available through the Mac App Store in High Sierra and in System Preferences in Mojave.

These updates are available for versions 10.13.6 from High Sierra y Mojave 10.14.6, the latest versions Apple released of these operating systems, updates that solve security problems detected that we show you below:

  • The execution of arbitrary code when processing a typeface created for malicious purposes. The update addresses a memory corruption issue by improving input validation. Project Zero code number CVE-2020-2793.
  • Executing arbitrary code with kernel privileges when running a malicious application. This update has been fixed by addressing a type confusion issue by improving state management. Project Zero code number CVE-2020-27932.
  • Disclosure of data from kernel memory by malicious application. A memory initialization issue has been fixed that allowed this to access kernel memory. Project Zero code number CVE-2020-27950.

Needless to say, like any security application that is launched for our device, it is highly recommended to install it as soon as possible. This update requires that we restart the computer, so we can install when we are going to turn off the computer until the next day.

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      congarmor said

    It has been difficult for me to discover that this is the reason but I think it is due to this update. Security Update 2020-006 Br, br, br!
    Many programs stopped working for me, without opening they launch the message "it has been closed unexpectedly"
    Some I managed to get back up and running by installing them again but NOT from the App Store, from the developer's website by downloading the .dmg image
    Others not being able to obtain the installer because the developer sends you to the Apple Store, searching I found that using the following code from the terminal they worked again:
    sudo xattr -lr
    sudo xattr -cr
    sudo codesign -f -s -
    But I was not satisfied because one of the programs was impossible, when it always worked without problems. The developer wrote to me but we didn't get anything.
    I reinstalled macOS again, nothing. The same problems I managed to launch the programs with external installation not from the Apple Store or with the code from the terminal.
    Not satisfied, again I returned to the load and what I did was before reinstalling with the disk utility first erase the hard disk and then install. Well, I got it. I installed all the applications from the Apple Store and the first time everything worked again. Updates were dropping. And it has been with the latter that I find that almost nothing works.
    SOS! SOS! 🙁

    My computer on a mid 2011 MacBook Air running macOS High Sierra 10.13.6