New to OS X? Here is a trick to manage the system faster


The new 12-inch MacBook in gold with 1,2 GHz processor, 8 GB RAM and 512 GB SSD has come home this Christmas. The first thing I have been able to verify is that the new features that it includes make it unique.

Despite all that can be said on the Internet forums, the computer is not slow at all and can do the jobs of any average user in an extraordinary way. Its thinness insults me, the gold color makes me fall in love and the ForceTouch of its trackpad together with the new system of keys and Retina screen, it completes the product. 

Surely you are one more than this Christmas has managed to have one of these wonders and that is why right now, if you are new to the Apple ecosystem you'll be beginning to learn the ins and outs of the OS X operating system. 

As soon as you enter the system, the first thing you have to familiarize yourself with is the place where all cases are managed within it, it is System Preferences. This section can be found at Launchpad> System Preferences, in the desktop's Dock (gear icon) or by searching through Spotlight at the top right of the desktop.

System preferences

As you can see, the window is divided into several rows and each one of them is followed by each of the sections that can be configured. Well, in this article what we are going to tell you is that they exist keyboard shortcuts to get to certain sections present in System Preferences. 

The way to reach them is very simple and is that Apple software engineers have always had keyboard shortcuts for many things. In this case, if we want to instantly access the Sound panel, the only thing we will have to do on the keyboard is press the «alt» key and any of the three keys present in F10, F11 or F12 that are keys destined to the sound on the keyboard. 

If we want to access the screen management we will have to press the «alt» key and F1 or F2. So we can do in a similar way with other options that are in each of the function keys. As you see, it is a new and fast way to be able to access certain sections of System Preferences in the blink of an eye. 

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