This is one of those apps that you may like or dislike, but they clearly make noise when they arrive. DeskApp for YouTube, it is an application that allows us enter directly to Youtube without having to enter Safari or browser that we use, manage our YouTube account completely, customize the viewing windows and customize the application interface on a small scale so that each user can choose how to view the videos of this popular social network.
The main functions of this DeskApp for YouTube that has just arrived on the Mac App Store totally free
- Allows you to use the Dark Mode in the application
- We can listen to YouTube music in the background
- We can customize the transparency in the reproductions
- We have notifications that we can activate or deactivate
- Pause playback when minimizing the application and activated when activating
If we decide to keep the application in the dock allows us fast and efficient access to content for the Mac. In short, a vitaminized supplement for YouTube lovers who have to try to see if they can have a space in the Dock. In any case, DeskApp for YouTube is a third-party application and is not affiliated with YouTube, so you may have limited options or even some of them restricted but it doesn't hurt to try it and more when it comes to free applications that we can always fiddle with and If we don't like it or don't use it in our day-to-day life, it's erased and that's it.