And the name for the next version of macOS will be ...

Well, this is one of the doubts that we have to solve before we start the keynote for next Monday, June 5 in the city of San Francisco. Apple will not reveal the name until the first beta version of the system is presented to developers.

Undoubtedly this year and the past are very different if we look at these versions, and not precisely because of the changes or the added improvements that include Siri as the main novelty, it is that the nomenclature became the one that was used at the beginning of time of the Macs, moving from OS X El Capitan to macOS Sierra.

Not long ago, some information from the specialized Apple media included the possible names that Apple could use for the Mac operating system, in a list that has been in the pipeline for a long time and that could be a clear clue about the future name of the next macOS:

Redwood, Mammoth, California, Big Sur, Pacific, Diablo, Miramar, Rincon, Redtail, Condor, Grizzly, Farallon, Tiburon, Monterey, Skyline, Shasta, Mojave, Sequoia, Ventura, Sonoma

We do not know whether or not these will be the names that those of Cupertino can add to the next Mac operating system, what we are clearer is that it is possible that for the first time in the WWDC the hardware prevails over the software in the case of The Mac. And it is that obviously macOS works very well today and few changes could be made in the system, so the arrival of new MacBooks may be the best in our case. Nor do we mean that the news is not important in the software, but the system clearly works very well on both new and old equipment and we do not believe that this year they will complicate too much or touch it a lot.

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      Peter v. said

    Good morning:
    I have been a macOS Sierra user for only a few months. Before, I was a Windows 10 user and have even used various Linux from time to time. The truth is that I am liking macOS Sierra for various reasons but…, like almost everything, there is a problem that I cannot solve, nor do the Apple “technicians” solve it for me. My problem is twofold:
    a) Suddenly what I have labeled with the name of "screenshots" appears in my work with any program, that is, a screen appears that has nothing to do with the program I am using and that I am forced to remove to return to the program I am using ... How to avoid it? Somebody can help me?
    b) When I am writing or working with any program, especially when I am writing in Pages and / or Office, a somewhat phantasmagorical "zoom" suddenly arises that I am forced to "rectify" in order to continue with my work. How to avoid it? Somebody can help me?
    Thank you, for the moment, for your attention.
    Peter v.