The best mental health apps for iPhone

The best mental health applications for iPhone

One of the main risks currently in Western society is without a doubt stress, anxiety, depression and other personal circumstances that usually lead to emotional problems. mental health, which if not properly detected and professionals who can provide effective solutions and treatments are not used, can cause greater risks. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is advisable to have some of the best mental health apps for iPhone.

Some simple, free and recommended apps, which help, for example, to carry out, in a previous step, a mental health assessment on the iPhone quickly and with complete privacy, to assess whether we need to go to our family doctor or a specialist to guide us on the steps to follow, before the mental health problems are more incipient and difficult to control.

A big problem in our society 

The best mental health applications for iPhone

La mental health has become a major problem in the actual society, especially Western countries, being a silent problem that in most cases is not seen coming, and that affects people of all ages, cultures and socioeconomic strata. Proof of this is that the statistics confirm it, since according to the WHO, one in four adults experiences some type of mental health problem each year.

It is important to note that the mental disorders are the main cause of disability in the world, and for example in Spain if we take a look at the state of the mental health, it is revealed that more than a third of the Spanish population suffers from some mental disorder, anxiety being the most common, with an increase of 34% in two years, mainly affecting women.

A big problem that motivates us to increasingly look for a tool in app mode that helps, at least as a first step, to identify a problem that we are unaware of or that we do not know how to deal with. Therefore, below we are going to take a look at some of the best mental health apps for iPhone. Some apps that you should keep in mind that never replace a specialist!

App Yana: Your emotional companion The best mental health applications for iPhone 3

Among the different mental health apps for your iPhone, one of the most interesting is this one from Yana, an application that already uses artificial intelligence and offers personalized support to manage your emotions and improve your mental well-being and mood.

This app is based on therapy cognitive-behavioral, and focuses mainly on helping you identify and understand your emotions, in addition to something really useful today, which is power manage stress and anxiety, also helping to improve your mood, and guide you, for example, in adopting healthier thinking habits for your daily life.

Remember that neither Yana nor other apps are a substitute for professional therapy, So if you have a serious mental health problem, it is important to seek help from a professional. However, the Yana app can be a complement useful for therapy and you should ask a mental health specialist if it is recommended for you to use it.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

VOS App: Mental Health & Wellbeing The best mental health applications for iPhone 7

Another very good app to keep in mind for your iPhone is this one from VOS, a kind of platform and wellness advisor, which is designed by psychologists, and that offers a personalized plan to always adopt a positive attitude and encourage fortaleza mental through activities and exercises.

What makes this app interesting is that it offers from self help tips to online therapy, offering personalization with AI, currently essential in this type of application, in addition to offering progress monitoring to see the evolution each week, being an app that, as you can see below, has hundreds of ratings and is one of those used.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

CBT App Anxiety Mental Health The best mental health applications for iPhone 6

Within best mental health apps for iPhone that are currently available, this is another good option, as it offers users the opportunity to improve it and increase its emotional resilience Anytime, anywhere.

A very easy to use, intuitive app, with a fairly modern interface and whose strong point is that it has a kind of automatic thought diary, a tool that helps users recognize, understand and modify their negative thoughts, so they learn to manage some of the psychological problems most common such as depression and anxiety, improving your emotional well-being and quality of life.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

In summary, in iPhone you will be able to find these and many others apps that can help you in situations in which you see that your mental health is in danger, but you must remember that these apps never replace a professional or specialist, so it is essential that you turn to them if there is any indication that your mood is declining or you perceive that you may have some signs of depression. Take care of your mental health! 

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