macOS, tvOS, and watchOS receive a supplemental update

Yesterday afternoon, the guys from Cupertino released a new update for all their operating systems, focusing mainly on closing the possibility of jailbreaking iOS 12.4, a version that was vulnerable to this release method, despite the fact that the bug that allowed it it had been closed with the release of iOS 12.3.

But incomprehensibly, with the release of iOS 12.4, that exploit became available again, so all devices managed by iOS 12.4 other than the models Apple released last year were jailbreakable. In addition to the update for iOS, Apple has also released an update supplementary for the rest of your devices.

macOS Mojave

Unlike iOS 12.4.1, the rest of the operating systems receive a minor update that focuses on solving small operating bugs instead of adding new features, something logical considering the short time left for the launch of the final version, scheduled for mid-September, a few days after the presentation of the new generation of iPhone, Apple Watch, MacBook...

The details of the update that Apple has released for macOS offer us:

  • Solution to the problem of some MacBooks that turn off when idle.
  • Fixed an issue that reduces performance when you are working with large files.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Pages, Keynote, Numbers, iMovie, and GarageBand from will be updated.

The update that all Apple operating systems have received will probably be the last one they receive, since as I have commented in the previous paragraph, there are only a few weeks left for the final version is released of each and every one of the operating systems that are currently in beta since Apple officially presented them in June.

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      viuler feris said

    sad to see that mac does not help at all if you have an operating system that you want to keep and do not want to update it or if you have a problem and want to reinstall it, it is a monumental complication.