MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 is now available for all users

This Wednesday afternoon has been chosen by the guys from Cupertino to finally launch the final versions of MacOS Sierra 10.12.6, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. In this case, what interests us now is the version for Mac users and although it is true that in these versions there are not too many changes compared to the previous version, it is important to be updated to avoid problems of third-party attacks, improve the stability of the equipment and the like.

This time we are facing the version that precedes MacOS High Sierra And while it is true that Apple may release a version between the latter 10.12.6 and the first of macOS High Sierra, the changes will be minimal.

The new version adds the bug fixes, system stability improvements, and bug fixes found in previous versions. Do not hesitate to install this new update as soon as you can since in this way we will take advantage of the improvements implemented. As we say there are no changes at the level of operation or outstanding news, but it is always very important to keep the Mac updated. Apple currently has several fronts open in the different operating systems and without a doubt the one that is receiving the most attention this year is iOS for the iPad, since many new features are focused on this device from the Cupertino company.

To update our Mac we simply have to go to Mac App Store and click on the Updates, then the new version that we have to download and install will appear.

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      José Pérez said

    I have a macbook Pro with sierra 10.12.5, but when trying to update to 10.12.6 the computer freezes with the apple and I have to pull backup to start again

         Rodrigo said

      The same thing happens to me, someone who can help us with that?

      Luis said

    Hi all!. I'm on my nerves. I've never had a problem with Time Machine, but jumping from macOS Sierra from 10.12.5 to 10.12.6 doesn't make my Mac backup. It lingers first and then a "Time Machine could not complete backup" message. Has anyone else noticed? I would greatly appreciate your comments.

      David said

    The same thing happened to me on 2 MacBook Pro one from 2016 and one from 2012. But not even with the time machine have I recovered it. One I had to do a clean installation and the oldest one does not even allow me to format the hard drive. This update is worse than a virus. This looks more and more like Windows.

      Carlos said

    It happens the same to me. After a successful recovery (I don't know yet how I have done it out of desperation) I leave it without updating until 12.13

    The deal at the Genius Bar of shame. As if I was making up the problem. Truly this can load a mark.

      Stephen M. said

    I have the same problem, I can't start my computer ... it gets stuck on BLACK SCREEN WITH APPLE AND LOADING BAR, this new update has become a real disaster !!!! I do not know what to do…

      Federico said

    Hello good afternoon, I have a Macbook Air (2015), I did the update to 10.12.6 and I started having problems with the battery that drains me very quickly when it is idle.
    Some of the same happened to him.

      Oscar said

    The exact same thing happened to me and I had to recover it with a backup of my timemachine

      jcc said

    I have an air 2011 and I am doing great with 10.12.6 ... my thanks and a thousand times faster than my pc 2017 game

      Josue said

    UPSS, I have updated it and so far without problems.

      Facundo said

    Hello, I have a macbook air from 2015 and when I did the update the audio stopped working. I do not know how to fix it.

      Javier said

    Dear, I have a little problem ... almost imperceptible;
    It turns out that when browsing for files from Photoshop CC and navigating in the pop-up window, I feel like my cursor is "stuck" in a file. I must select an empty area of ​​the folder to be able to drop it, and thus select another file that I want to view in order to move it. (without opening it yet). which did not happen to me with the previous versions of Mac Os Sierra.
    My current version is 10.12.6 on a MacBook pro Late 2012.
    I hope you can understand me and help me… thank you in advance!

      Harold Torres said

    The same thing happened to me, I update to the latest version of macOS Sierra and the pc crashes with the loading bar without moving forward. I had to recover the pc with time machine

      Xavi G. said

    This is a joke, after spending days asking me to update to the new version, the system does not start. I call apple to find out what steps to follow tell me that my MBP i7 from 2012 is old and no longer has technical service, that I do not install this update. An incredible answer. In the end I had to pull Time Machine to restore it because neither resetting PRAM, deleting .kext files from terminal or anything at all. Every time they disappoint more