Supplemental update for macOS Mojave

macOS Mojave

Apple launched a Supplemental update for users who have macOS Mojave software on their Mac. In this case it is a new version that fixes previous issues and crashes but it is that in a short time two different versions have been released, so for those who have this version installed on their Mac to review and update it as soon as possible.

This new version looks like fixes some Safari 14 crashes on computers and it is that several users complained of important problems in the system. Apple quickly got to it and in a few hours they have released a final version in which they solve all the problems detected.

Currently and while many users are waiting for the arrival of macOS 11 Big Sur, others remain in previous versions such as Mojave or even the most current macOS Catalina. Yes, not all users can or want to change their Mac, so having these versions also means that you have an older Mac, something that does not mean in any case that it has to malfunction or be left with errors and that It is demonstrated with this type of updates that Apple launches to solve bugs.

Now with the new revision it seems that all these problems have been solved and it is logical that some bugs appear in these previous versions but that they are quickly corrected. You can now easily update the system if you have macOS Mojave installed on your computer.

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      Cris said

    I have a macbook pro 16 with catalina and when I open safari the fans start to go to full power and my battery drains very quickly .. does someone else happen?

         HUGO said

      It also happens to me with a MacBook Air.