We are going for the tenth beta released from macOS Big Sur. Some of us thought that perhaps at the Apple event this week the new operating system for Macs this year would be officially released, but it has not been. And apparently it has not been on a whim, but because they are still polishing some things.
This is demonstrated with this new beta update for developers. Keep in mind macOS Big Sur is not simply a new update. It is the first firmware of the project Apple silicon. It will be able to work with current Intel processors and future ARMs designed for Apple. So no wonder they are already going for beta number ten. Hopefully the tenth is the charm.
Yesterday Apple made the tenth beta version of the new operating system for Macs available to the company's developers Big Sur macOS. After concluding the event last Tuesday and seeing that there was no sign of the launch for all users of the new macOS, one thing has become clear: we will have a new virtual keynote before the end of the year.
Due to the happy pandemic, Apple this year has had to resort to virtual events, and it seems that he has found the "taste". Much more comfortable and economical (although for Apple that is not a problem) to mount a video with a virtual presentation than a face-to-face one at Apple Park, with all the logistics that it entails.
So surely in a few weeks we will be invited to attend a new event, this time focused on Macs, and more specifically, on Apple Silicon. This is when the first Apple computer with a processor will be presented ARM, and obviously with its corresponding macOS Big Sur installed.
So I am not surprised that they continue to forcefully polish some other "bug" of the new macOS, and are already on the tenth beta version. Will it be the last beta?