At this point and if you are a little interested in the news from Apple, you should already know almost everything about the new operating system for Mac. We are already with the first Beta. Under the name of macOS Big Sur brings many news and especially the transition to Apple Silicon. There are also novelties that although they are not so showy if they are good and are worth mentioning. With macOS 11 and iOS 14 Apple introduces the new wizard for developer teams.
Until now, developers who worked on a project and had to send a notification or question to Apple, had to do it individually. Many times, this generated a duplication of the queries. Something worse could happen, that the final question or request for help was not sent to the company. But now this can be fixed thanks to the new team wizard.
With this new assistant, inquiries are submitted by any member. In the same way, any member of that group will be able to see their status. There will be no overlaps and nothing will be left in the inkwell. Normally, the response from Apple will be sent to the account of the developer who made the question or request, but this can be changed at any time and designate another person to receive the communications. Very useful in those cases in which there is sick leave, vacation, of any member of the team.
As it is a collaborative tool, the new option will only be available to members of the Apple Developer Enterprise, Apple Business Manager, or Apple School Manager. The most professional developer accounts. Those who are chosen to use this new procedure will be able to access the new tool through the Feedback application in iOS 14, macOS Big Sur, macOS or the enabled web page.