MacOS Big Sur Beta 5 for developers now available

MacBook Big South

On August 5, Apple released for the Apple developer community the MacOS Big Sur Beta 4. 15 days later, he just released Beta 5. Along the way, the Cupertino guys released the first beta for users of the public beta programlarvae, nymphs, and adults, so If you were curious and try the news you can do it.

As Apple has released new macOS Big Sur betas, improvements and changes have been added to the system. The most striking change is found in the change of the battery icon, an icon that seemed designed 15 years ago in addition to implementing support for YouTube in 4K in Safari.

macOS Big Sur is the expected aesthetic renovation that required the operating system of Mac computers, a renovation that shows us an interface similar to that found on the iPad.

In addition, this operating system is designed to work in computers with ARM processors when these begin to reach the market at the end of this year as Apple announced in the WWDC 2020 presentation keynote, a different keynote since it was carried out online and not in person due to the coronavirus.

With the aesthetic and functional renovation, macOS Big Sur leaves out older teams that until now had been updated to Catalina, so that all the equipment that reached the market at the latest in 2012 and some models that arrived throughout 2013.

The computers compatible with macOS Big Sur are the following:

  • MacBook 2015 and later
  • MacBook Air 2013 and later
  • MacBook Pro 2013 and later
  • Mac min 2014 and later
  • 2014 and later iMac
  • IMac Pro from 2017 to current model
  • The Mac Pro in all its versions since 2013

Fortunately, and as usual, there is a method to be able to enjoy macOS Big Sur on older computers, at least in which hit the market in 2012, as long as you can use the ethernet connection, since the Wi-Fi connection does not work. In older computers, not only will the Wi-Fi connection not work, the graphics acceleration also does not work and that problem does not have a simple solution.

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