MacOS Big Sur 3 Beta 11.4 Released for Developers

MacOS beta

Apple launches this afternoon a new version of macOS Big Sur 11.4 for developers. In this new version released several bug fixes and various solutions are added that make the operating system more fluid. They are bugs detected by the developers in the previous beta version released by the Cupertino company.

In this case beta 3 is available for developers And I'm sure that in the next few hours it will also appear for users who are registered in the public beta program. In the notes of the new version do not appear the new features implemented so these are versions that add few changes but do provide bug fixes.

It is true that the last beta versions launched by Apple have been many, especially in the previous version and even so the company had to launch a new version once the final was launched ... Hopefully in this case it will not be repeated, although as we always say these versions are free for what you also don't have to worry if there are many new versions, we simply have to update and that's it.

The previous beta version was launched last Wednesday, May 5, in this case they are quite followed as we can see. Only a week has passed and we have another version available in the hands of the developers. As we always recommend on I'm from Mac it is best to stay away from beta versions on our main machinesIn any case, if you want and are curious, you can install the public betas that will always be somewhat "more secure" than those of the developers.

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