macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 is now available and fixes a security flaw

The Cupertino firm yesterday launched a new version of macOS Big Sur for all users, in this case it is the version 11.3.1 but it was not only in that and is that it also launched a new version of iOS 14.5.1 and another of watchOS 7.4.1.

In this case we are going to focus on the new version of macOS Bic Sur, this new version solves "a major security problem" according to Apple so it will be time to update the operating system as soon as possible.

Many users are regretting that after so many beta versions another update is released, but exactly the same would happen in the event that it was discovered that the Cupertino company has released an update to us knowing that it had a problem or security flaw. It is necessary to remember that all these new updates are free and do not pose any inconvenience to users, beyond the time it takes to install them, but it can be done at night and automatically so it does not bother, rather the opposite since they solve errors and protect computers against detected vulnerabilities.

It should be noted that the Cupertino company has also released iOS 14.5.1 and iOS 12.5.3, older versions that also have security improvements and that Apple recommends updating as soon as possible. You may not skip the new version of macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 so It is recommended to force the update directly from System Preferences - Software Update.

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      jimmyimac said

    What annoys me is that they fix one thing and spoil 3, before on YouTube in safari if you left the mouse over the thumbnails of the videos you would see a 4 second preview, because now it does nothing, anyway.