macOS 11.2.2, AirPods 3 design and much more. Best of the week on I'm from Mac

I'm from mac

We are already in the last day of this short but intense month of February and we hope that by March Apple will present some new products to us, although Mark Gurman, will ruin our plans a bit saying that we would not have an event on March 16. In any case the month of February is already ending and we want to share with you some of the most outstanding news and rumors of this last week of the month in I'm from Mac, so get comfortable and enjoy.

Apple is closing the problem with the malicious code called Silver Sparrow. It seems like finally found the solution to the malware that affects some Macs that mount the new ARM processor from the Cupertino company.

AirPods 3

To start we share the rumor or rather leak about the design of the AirPods 3. These AirPods 3 are coming out in all bets to be released this March but it will be necessary to be a little more patient to see what is true in this.

Another highlight of the week is the arrival of M1-based Macs at Apple's Refurbished Store. These devices that are put back on the market offer a lower price but they are not new devices. Apple already has for sale in this section the three computers that currently mount an M1 processor. 

macOS Big Sur updates

To finish the arrival for all macOS Big Sur 11.2.2 users which fixes an issue with third-party charging and connecting hubs on some Macbook Pro and MacBook Air. This new version of the operating system is released as a troubleshooting and it is important to install it as soon as possible.

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