For some time now, specifically with the massive adoption of the Internet, a term that we have very much in mind is the word «Updates». Both on our Macs, as well as on iPhones and iPads, it is more than advisable to always have the latest software available to avoid different problems.
In this article we will teach you how to update your Mac and we will explain why it is important to keep your Apple computer updated, so that you can enjoy always having your computer ready in your day to day.
Why is it important to update your Mac software?
On any computer it is advisable to update the software
software updates they are very important for your operating system, because they are basically software packages that fix vulnerabilities and errors that appear over time. Those programming errors are often used by hackers to attack computers, or that can affect the stability of the system. For all this, they require to be patched.
Another important reason to update the software on your computer is to improve the compatibility of your equipment with existing software- Operating system updates often offer improved compatibility with new versions of software and applications. By keeping your system up to date, you ensure that you can use the latest versions of programs and take advantage of all their features and improvements.
The last, but not least, reason is support: when an operating system has been on the market for a very long time, it enters what is called the end-of-life period or End of Life (EOL): in which the manufacturer will no longer offer any more updates or support on it considering it outdated.
Once that point is reached, there are only two options left if you want to continue using your computer safely: either change the equipment, or change the operating system to one that supports your hardware.
How to update my Mac software?
As long as we have a current version of Mac OS, the steps to update are the following:
- Make sure your Mac is connected to the internet with a stable and fast connection. An update usually takes many megabytes of memory and it is important that it is done on a stable connection. Otherwise, we could have corrupt data that will lead to a system failure.
- Click the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen and select "System preferences".
- In the System Preferences window, click on "Software update".
- If there is a software update available, a message will appear indicating it and a button will appear that will put "Update now"
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the update process. This may include agreeing to the terms and conditions, entering your administrator password, and waiting for the update to download and install.
- Once the update has installed successfully, your Mac will restart and you can use the latest version of macOS.
What if my Mac is old and doesn't have updates?
Mac Pro 1,1 is an example of a functional and powerful old Mac
One possibility is that your Mac is no longer supported by Apple and that updates are no longer available. And although the manufacturer will always advise you to purchase a new device in order to enjoy the best user experience, you can still continue using it:
- If you have an Intel Mac, you can choose to install windows with bootcamp Apple gives the option of installing the Microsoft operating system on its devices using a feature called Bootcamp, which will allow us to create an installation wizard for the Redmond system and will allow us to use all the drivers to maximize its compatibility with your Mac.
- On the other hand, if your team is a Mac Power PC, or you just don't like Windows, you have the option of try linux. Linux is an open source operating system that is highly adaptable to different hardware, which can be an alternative for your old Mac as well as newer ones with Apple ARM processors.
- If being alternative is your thing, you might want to take a look at FreeBSD u OpenBSD. These two operating systems are cousins of Mac OS since they are based on the same system (Darwin). The main disadvantage is the software and hardware compatibility that exists for them and we only advise them for educational purposes. Using BSD can be a complicated experience. as the first operating system in your day to day.
- As a fourth alternative, you can use modified apple systems, also know as "the hackintosh method”. There are different ways to force the installation of Mac OS on unsigned hardware such as a PC or old Mac, as well as to maximize the compatibility of unsupported hardware with later versions of the system. Although this option violates Apple regulations and often makes updating the software more complicated than on a supported Mac.
If this possibility catches your attention, we advise you to take a look at this video, where they explain the process of installing a Hackintosh system:
With this we would conclude our article on how to update the software of your Mac, and why it is important to keep the system updated. From SoydeMac we always recommend that you install the latest software version whenever possible, in order to always have the best user experience on your Apple device.