How to find out the exact model of your Mac quickly


The second-hand market is proliferating little by little and that is why users who are going to buy an Apple computer want to know the exact Mac model that they are going to buy. Most Apple users don't know what exact Mac model they have. The only thing they know is that they have a MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac or whatever like the year they bought it.

However, very few are those who know the identifying number of the model. The identifying number of the Mac models has the following format ModelNameModelNumber, for example "MacBookAir 6,2". In this article, we are going to tell you what steps you have to follow to find the exact model of your Mac.

All of us who follow the bitten apple products have realized that every so often they launch a new Mac model that later undergoes internal updates. The external model and the name remain the same while the identifier varies. That is why on some occasions you will need to know the exact model of computer you have. For example, you know that you have a MacBook Pro Retina but one of those that have come out what model?.


The steps you have to follow in order to know the identifier of your Mac computer are the following:

  • In the Finder we go to top menu and click on the apple. You will see that the first item says About this Mac.
  • By pressing on About this Mac A window appears in which with other data you are informed of the computer model you have and the time of year it was launched. In my case it is in iMac (21,5 inches, late 2012).


  • However, what we have seen is not the exact model identifier number. To know the identifier we must click at the bottom on the button System report.
  • In the new window that appears you will see the identifier number of the exact model, which in my case it is the iMac 13,1.


It should be noted that we can access the second screen immediately if when you enter the apple menu you press the «alt» key. The About This Mac item becomes System Information.

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      Yolanda said

    Thank you, the information has served me. The thing is that I have to look for a charger urgently, mine has been broken again by the little cable, again, and I'm looking for a compatible one but one that doesn't cost me like Apple's. I am not willing to spend another 89 euros. Any suggestion?

      Claudia said

    They stole my Mac air .. I had not activated the search engine of my Mac in case of theft I can locate it with its serial neurons to block it

      ANDRES said

    Why do you cross out the serial number? Have I seen in advertisements for the sale of macs that many people cross the number? What do they want to show? what is repaired? What is modified in bouquets or anything else? what is stolen?
    Thank you very much and greetings, I can't find the explanation, you would be so kind, thank you

      Ignacio Perez de Aviles said

    Hello: I have an Apple laptop, model
    MBP 15.4 / 2.53 / 2x2GB // 250 / SD with num. serial W8941GKU7XJ
    They tell me that the battery cannot be changed …… Is it true?
    Thank you

      Lala said

    Could you change the hard drive for an SSD on this model of computer?