How to check the battery status of your iPhone

Learn to know the battery status of your iPhone

One of the most important things as time goes by and your phone gains years, is how to know the battery status of your iPhone, since this is a fundamental part for the phone to function correctly and guarantee that it is transportable and can withstand at least one day of semi-intensive use without problems. Do you want to know how to know the status of your battery? We teach you to learn to test it and how you should act in case it is failing you.

Use Apple tool to test the battery

You probably don't know it, but your iPhone or iPad already has a tool built into the system that allows you to know the status of the battery life of your device and Which can give you a hint of the battery status.

In the menu of Settings, there is an option called “Battery”. Inside, it shows you the time in use that it has been since the last charge and the estimated duration that it believes the remaining charge will have, maintaining constant consumption (if you use the flash as a flashlight or start playing a game, the consumption will be higher). If you see that the figures seem insufficient (for example, that the charge lasts four hours after disconnecting from the charger), there is probably a fault with the phone.

In this menu you will also see the option to Battery health, where indicates a percentage of life. The advisable, according to Willtech repair experts, is to be replaced if it is less than 80%

Third-party applications: An inadvisable option

There are third-party applications that claim to provide this data reliably, such as Battery Doctor o Battery Life, among others, but we cannot say that they are a reliable option in order to extract a series of technical data

Furthermore, many of these applications are really adware that do absolutely nothing, so we advise against using all of them.

Apple Store: the option of an official technician of the brand

In Apple stores, technicians use dedicated tools for testing terminals that are not publicly accessible, but if you have questions about the state of the battery They do not charge for the test. So you can go to a store to do the relevant tests and even give you the report of them.

You can check your battery in an Apple Store

Use a battery charge tester

We can know the status of your iPhone's battery by testing its charging capacity through a charge meter that shows the phone's voltage and amperage consumption. There are USB testers like east of amazon, which is used to review failures in the charging system of our phones.

A healthy phone should draw more than 0,36A amps and about 5V charging. If when connecting the phone, our meter shows very low amp consumption, bordering on the 0V, we can assume that our battery is damaged.

In the following video you can see how it works testing an iPhone charging:

´Can I fix a dead battery?

One of the big problems with lithium ion batteries is that they have a long but finite useful life and that depending on how we have treated our terminal, it will have degraded in one way or another.

We are going to differentiate three dead battery scenarios that can occur and their probable solutions:

The battery is old and degraded

In this case, the option of manipulating it is ruled out because the lithium inside would be degraded and would no longer have the capacity to hold a charge. The recommended thing in this case is to replace it with a new one and properly recycle the old one.

For the cost, the simplicity and the risks that you avoid, it is better discard that battery.

My phone was off for a long time and it no longer charges

When a battery approaches 0 volts of charge, its charging capacity is compromised and it is difficult for it to "recover" the possibility of charging. So it is always advisable that if you are going to keep a phone for a certain time without use, that it be done with at least a little more than half a charge.

Reviving the battery is possible in this case in two ways, a homemade one that implies not opening the phone and one that already implies having certain technical knowledge and tools at your disposal.

The most traditional home method is leave charging the phone with a USB outlet that has the 5V of the voltage, but a low amperage. Ideally, the USB ports on your computer or even the ones built into your router are perfect for this purpose. We recommend using the ports of the router, since it does not mean that you have to leave an extra device connected and leave your iPhone connected for a whole night or even a whole day. Hopefully, the computer will have regained its charging capacity and will be working properly from now on.

In case this fails you, it can be fixed by disassembling the iPhone and applying a little charge on the positive and negative terminals using a battery balancer such as the iMAX B6. But this method is only advisable if you know exactly what you are doing and if you do not have a warranty on your phone, since any manipulation cancels it by default.

There are videos of people who what they do is "stimulate" the load bypassing the battery protection circuit opening it carefully and directly applying the charger voltage on the positive and negative terminals. And although this could work, we strongly advise against it as it is dangerous: lithium batteries are very sensitive to kinks and shorts that can occur, in addition to applying voltage without protection can be harmful to the battery and cause a risk of fire to the battery. same.

My battery is "swollen"

A characteristic that is very present in lithium batteries is that when they reach a certain level of degradation, they "swell" causing our phone's screen to bow or the back cover to bulge. If your phone is in this state... Beware!

iPhone with swollen battery

A swollen battery can have dire consequences for your phone

In these cases, dispose of the battery immediately and change it for a new one. There is a clear risk of explosion from it with irreversible damage to your phone if you don't.

You have probably seen videos of people "puncture" batteries to remove gas and reseals them with tape, which is totally inadvisable due to the danger of explosion that this operation entails.

With this, you already know how to know the battery life of your iPhone and how to proceed with a phone that has a depleted battery. From SoydeMac we recommend that if you have any questions, if you do not have technical experience, you put yourself in the hands of a trusted technical service that can advise you and replace the battery in case it does not work correctly.

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