How to exit the Big Sur beta to install the system

Before starting with this we have to clarify that macOS Big Sur does not require the removal of the beta version to install the operating system as such, so we can simply choose whether or not to leave the beta program voluntarily, the system will not fail us in the installation process even though we are in the beta version.

Apple corrected this problem after users realized in previous versions that they did not get the latest version or the official version of the system when it was in the betas. In this sense it may be due to the "Release Candidate" version but we are not entirely clear about it, what we are clear about is that if our Mac is compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur, the latest version will jump the same as if we did not have the beta installed.

In any case, to exit the beta version is as simple as following these steps. The first thing is to access the System Preferences and click on Software Update:

Exit beta Big Sur

If you look at the image above it already indicates that the official version is available and allows you to update without problem. In any case we click on the "Details" option that appears in the lower left and a window appears that tells us that our Mac is enrolled in the beta program:

Exit beta Big Sur

Click on the option "Restore default values" and place the password of our Mac:

Password exit beta Big Sur

Then we can download or not the new version to install it on our Mac without being in the beta program.

Exit beta Big Sur

And we are already out of the process of eliminating beta updates from our Mac. As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is not necessary to exit the beta program but If we want, we can do it now that the final version of the system is available. 

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