How to change the font and its size in Mail for OS X


El default font size in the Mail app for OS X it is size 12 for emails and messages lacking in style, which tends to be the majority of times we receive an email. If you think that this font size is something small for you and you want to modify it, you should continue reading this article.

The way to change these aspects of the font used to display the emails is very simple and not only will it be possible to change the font size for the email content itself, but also for other components of an email message, including the sender, the recipients, the subject, and even the message list.

Well yes, today I woke up and felt the need to tinker a bit in the preferences of the Mail application, because I have noticed that the letter in which the emails are shown is a bit small. Is there a way to modify this aspect of the letter of Mail? Well, the truth is that we are not only going to be able to modify the size of that font that Apple has set by default, but we will also be able to change even the type of font that is used.


change the font and its size

To do this, just open the Mail application, select and open an email that contains text and then go to the top menu bar, click on the word Mail and later in the drop-down we select Preferences. A window will automatically appear on the screen in which we will have to press the tab Types and Colors, which is the place where we have all the options that we can configure so that the appearance of the emails that we receive is different.


We can make changes to the size, typeface as well as the color that we want the different levels of responses sent to have and that are linked to a main email. In short, if you did not know that you could modify this aspect of the Mail application and you think that the font size 12 is not your thing, get down to work and leave the Mail configured to your needs right now.

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      Daniel said

    How is it configured so that by default when I write an email it is of a font and color?

      Juan Carlos said

    My changes are not modified, could you tell me the reason?
    Thank you.

      PEACE OF THE SOW said


    HI THERE;)
    In my case ... if you let me choose the font and size, but the «color» doesn't ...; (

      maria agustina celatto said

    It does not give me the option to change it, it appears to me without being able to click to modify that letter

      lucia said

    what is the default font of mail? I want to leave it as it was and I can not