Force Quit Applications in macOS Sierra

Despite the fact that the apple computer system is very, very stable, there can always be situations that cause it to hang or that one of the applications that we are running stops working.

With this we want to make it clear that most of the time, if the system of Mac it hangs not because the system itself has stopped working, but because a third-party application is the one that has had a malfunction and therefore the application in progress is the one that crashes and does not allow us to do anything with the computer until we exit it. 

When these things happen what we have to do is force the exit of that application that is working abnormally and for this Apple itself has arranged a place where we can manage the closure in that way, that is, FORCING.

To do this, just go to the  menu and click on the drop-down that appears in Force exit ... you will see that a pop-up window opens showing you the applications that are working and which ones have stopped responding so that you can select what you consider appropriate and close it. 

Well, in this article what we want to tell you is that Apple software engineers always go further and for this action there is another way hidden with which we save the pop-up window in which to search for the application that has stopped working to be able to do it. close.

If before pressing in the  menu, press the SHIFT key, we will see that in the  menu instead of showing Force exit ..., what appears is Force exit of the application that is in the foreground. If what you have open is Word and it has stopped working, when you do what I have indicated what you will see in the drop-down is Force Word to exit.

It is nothing more than a different way to force the exit of the applications, but in this case taking into account that the one you are going to force to close is the application that is in the foreground of use.

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