Among the latests Moravia's compositions new proposals which is expected to include the iOS version 17.4 There is the installation of applications external to the App Store. It is a request repeated on numerous occasions, but one that Apple had been ignoring in favor of its exclusive app store and much more controlled development.
Until now, to learn how to install apps on iPhone without App Store third-party alternatives would have to be used. Everything seems to indicate that with iOS 17.4 the possibility of installing applications outside the app Store will finally arrive. It is not the only function, which is why this article explores what is most rumored and expected from Apple's new operating system for mobile devices.
New features expected in iOS 17.4
The modifications prepared by the Cupertino company with iOS 17.4 They include changes to the Safari web browser, the App Store and the commissions paid. In turn, it will apply reinforcing measures to minimize the risks created by the DMA (Digital Markets Act).
The Digital Markets Law requires Apple to find new alternatives for the distribution of apps, and also for payment processing. Users will also have greater controls and security will be increased to reduce risks. The changes are also a form of adaptation to the new regulations promoted by the European Union.
Among the new features that iOS 17.4 will bring include 600 new APIs, as well as deeper analysis and functionality for alternative web browsers. Openness represents a significant challenge because those responsible for iOS, iPhone and iPad have always been jealous of their software and hardware.
New conditions for developers
The main aspect to install external applications It is essential to distribute content more securely. New capabilities for digital payment will also be incorporated, but the user will have the possibility to choose whether they want the old agreement or an updated one.
With the arrival of iOS 17.4 in March, app developers will perceive changes in form and substance in the proposal. There will be new options and conditions for distributing iOS apps with alternative digital markets. There will even be new APIs and tools for the developer to offer their iOS apps and thus download from extra markets.
The Developers will also have a new framework and APIs to create their own marketplace with alternative apps. Developers will have the ability to install apps and manage updates in a specific way. At the same time, among the new features of iOS we must also mention the tools for alternative navigation engines, WebKit and ways to move around the app itself.
Risks and precautions when installing applications external to the App Store
There are, however, applications developed outside of Apple which will be compatible as long as the code does not have any lines that could generate misinterpretations. Apple also promised to add a series of safeguards, used to verify that the developer meets the requirements. At the end of the day, all the news also points to ensuring that there are no holes in the security of the entire municipality.
The statements of Apple representatives are very specific “we will continue protecting privacy, security and quality of experience. Apps that already have the tracking notice and permission activated, and apps distributed outside the App Store, will have general surveillance to avoid any type of irregularity. The risk of purchasing apps outside the App Store is that functionalities such as shared family purchasing or the Request Purchase tool are eliminated. Now children will be able to buy apps without parental permission.
Following with the risks and precautions, there are several occasions when external apps create greater problems. Affected battery and processing power performance can be detected. But it is a relatively low risk considering that Apple has thousands of functional apps on the different iPhones and iPads on the market.
What is required of developers?
Among what Apple developers will have to comply with are different official documentos. For example, you must have a notarial certification regardless of the distribution channel. In addition, app installation sheets must be incorporated to describe and follow the procedures; authorization to app stores to ensure upload of the app and additional protection against viruses and malware infections.
Contactless payments and NFC technology It also undergoes some modifications and variants in the new iOS 17.4. There will be new APIs so that banking and wallet apps can be used throughout the European Economic Area.
In the new configuration, the user will be able to select a contactless payment app created by third parties, and choose it as the default app. This is a series of opening measures for a brand that for years refused to open the game.
Install applications external to the App Store and various modifications
The official Apple application store is the one that suffers the most changes and alterations with iOS 17.4. According to what is known and rumored so far, there will be changes in the use of suppliers, options for processing payments and planning tools.
The developer may estimate fees, metrics associated with new commercial terms or use new payment providers from within the app. Users will see different messages notifying them of the new measures. For example, when an app uses different payment processing, a label will alert you to be informed. It will also notify the user if the transaction is made by Apple or with the developer.
Commissions and charges are also modified. The developer may opt for new commercial terms or continue maintaining the existing terms. There will be a reduced commission, payment processing fees and a base technology fee with payment of 50 cents for each first installation after 1 million. The general experience suggests that the new iOS will allow greater openness to a system that until now included very complex measures to install outside the App Store.