These are the new macOS Big Sur wallpapers, download them

MacOS Big Sur wallpaper

One of the novelties that are added in each of the new versions of macOS are the wallpapers. In this case, Apple offers us various aerial shots of the California region in which this new operating system of our Macs is set. If you are one of those who are not sure if your team will accept the new macOS Big Sur, you can check it directly from this link. Remember that even if you cannot update your Mac it will continue to work perfectly, do not suffer for it.

Big Sur macOS

Y for all those who do not know where Big Sur is, in Wikipedia we find this definition that places it perfectly on the map:

Big Sur is a very sparsely populated region of California where the Santa Lucia Mountains rise abruptly from the Pacific Ocean. The name "Big Sur" derives from the original Spanish name "the big south" or "the big country of the south", which refers to its location south of the Monterey Peninsula.

But we go with the important thing here, which is the option to download the new wallpapers for our Mac, iPhone or iPad. In this case, the iDownload website makes it easy and offers different download options that we want to share with all of you, you can now enjoy them on any of your computers and totally free. Among the real photos of Big Sur, we find a couple of backgrounds that remind us a lot of those used by the iPad. These are the download links for the wallpapers:

The first 7 are the same Big Sur backgrounds in different phases of the day, the last two are colored ones.

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