cDock, modify the OS X Yosemite 10.10 Dock


One of the things that users do not quite like when we look at the new design of OS X Yosemite is the Dock and its appearance so flat or even something 'retro' with the icons of the applications in a format similar to 2D with that bar gray behind. If it is true that there are many others who love this new design, but for those who do not like the current design we have in our hands a very interesting application to modify it to our liking.

Well, it is not possible to make very drastic changes to the Dock, but one that is simple and has a very nice effect is to eliminate the gray bar or make it transparent. This is what allows us to make the cDocks application that we avoid seeing below. It is also really easy to use and we can carry out these changes on OS X Mavericks 10.9 and on OS X Yosemite 10.10 with complete peace of mind.

Here we leave a small video in which you can see the change in the Mac's Dock with or without the standard bar:

Many are the good changes that OS X Yosemite has such as the Widgets theme we users are really liking it, in addition to the improvements in terms of continuity with Apple's other operating system, iOS. But the new Dock is an element that not everyone seems to like and if we are users who do not hide it, we may not like it, for this, cDock is very good for us.


The tool not available on the Mac App Store but we can find it directly at this link. With it we can modify the Dock a bit on our machine if we think that Apple has taken a step back in terms of design or simply to change a little.

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      Alba said

    I have installed it and was testing it, and the dock has remained, very small and I don't know how to restore it. It is not modified, even each time I try to restore the icons become smaller. Could you help me restore?

         Globetrotter65 said

      Right-click on the dock> dock preferences. There you can change the size of the icons and other parameters.

           Globetrotter65 said

        Sorry, and if you want to restore the dock you had. with reopening the application, display the dock theme option and look for the one named "restore" applies and that's it.

      Alba said

    I've tried everything but it's still the same.

      Alba said

    I have gone to preferences and it remains the same.
    I have also gone to dock theme and the same.
    Nothing changes.
    they have gotten smaller and smaller.
    I don't want to move anymore, lest I even see it in the end.
    If someone can tell me how to solve it I would appreciate it.

      Jordi Giménez said

    Buneas Alba, did you solve it? It's strange what happens to you, it works well for me. Did you try what Trotamundo65 tells you about "restore"? What OS do you have installed?


         Alba said

      No, it was impossible for me.
      Try what Globetrotter65 told me. and nothing.
      I have the Yosemite 10.10
      I hardly see any dock icons
      the fact is that as for changing the color of the dock and that if it does, but it is not going to return to the original state. neither does the thing about the spaces between apps.


           Core said

        Go to system preferences and check the dock that you have the normal size, if not uninstall the cDock with appzaper

           Jordi Giménez said

        Did you manage to solve it Alba?

      Enrique Carrera said

    I can not uninstall the cDock and I desistale them with zaper, trash and nothing, the dock was small, what do I do?

      Ana said

    I have installed OS X Yosemite and now I am not able to go from the home screen where a photo appears and my name appears below, the mouse arrow is moving but I can not do anything else.

      Alejandro said

    Hello, I have bought a mac for the first time, and I am interested in changing or customizing some dock icons such as the download icon, how can I do it?

         Jordi Giménez said

      Welcome to the world of Mac Alejandro! If you want you can try this tutorial

      I guess you mean that 😉


      Mauro said

    Hello this application does not work with os x Yosemite 10.10.4 any solution in this regard ???

      FEDDE said

    This application does not work quite well in Yosemite 10.10.5. And even less if you have other applications like Hyperdock, although this is going to perfection in this version