How to "Restore" Safari in OS X Yosemite
How can we restore Safari in OS X Yosemite
How can we restore Safari in OS X Yosemite
Apple released iTunes version 12.3 for Mac
The NetNewsWire feed reader is back on the App Store with a totally revamped app
How to see the details of our backup copies in Time Machine
How to compress files in .zip with OS X and with password
Check all the details of your flight in OS X El Capitan and iOS 9
Screenshots in OS X without the time and date
Apple Releases Version 6.06 for RAW Camera Support
Adobe Flash Player is updated to version
OS X Server is updated to version 4.1.5 to be in principle the latest version available on OS X Yosemite
Apple releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 for all users
Gatekeeper automatically rearms every 30 days
New public beta of Paragon Hard Disk Manager for Mac
Turn Dark Mode on or off with a keyboard shortcut
30 day extension for Greeks, Apple Pay in the UK, create icons for your mac, new iPods and much more. Best of the week on SoydeMac.
OS X 10.10.5 public beta is now available for download
Apple just released the first beta of OS X 10.10.5 for developers
This is how you can disconnect a Mac from a WiFi network
New version available for OS X
A detachment occurs in Yosemite affecting part of the beautiful wall that we have many of the wallpaper in OS X Yosemite
How to flush DNS cache with discoveryutil
Preview a link in Safari with a three-finger tap
Apple releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.4 alongside iOS 8.4
How to activate or deactivate the Dashboard in OS X Yosemite in a simple and fast way
Apple releases the fifth beta of OS X Yosemite with build 14E33b
Preliminary Windows 10 runs smoother than OS X itself
OS X 10.10.4 XNUMXrd beta now available for developers
We show you in this tutorial to solve certain display and organization problems within the launchpad in OS X Yosemite
ICloud syncing with Photos could cause Wi-Fi connection issues in Yosemite
OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite Supplemental Update
Support for 4K and 5K displays in OS X Yosemite 10.10.3
Tutorial to create libraries quickly, where you have the photographs of your personal life and your work for another.
We show you a simple and fast way to safely migrate your iPhoto library to the new Photos application on Mac
OS X 10.10.3 now available for download
Convert OS X Yosemite Dock to 3D
Wunderlist is updated with many improvements including the new folders
Apple Releases OS X Yosemite 3 Beta 10.10.3
With this trick you can automatically connect to your network drives when you restart your computer
We show you how to restart the process in charge of the menu bar if it is giving you problems
A very simple trick to adjust the Finder columns in a few seconds
How to find out the exact model of your Mac quickly
How to change the login screen in OS X
Apple has added a new drop-down option for all human emojis, allowing you to select from five different skin tones
How to go to a specific line in OS X TexEdit
SofaPlay is a lightweight app that enables you to send videos directly to your Smart TV to be played on the network
The Spotify4Me widget allows you to control Spotify from the notification center
Some users tell us that they still have problems with the WiFi in OS X 10.10.2
Apple releases OS X Yosemite version 10.10.2 officially
How to activate text copying in Quick Look
Why do you need to repair permissions on a Mac?
How to remove empty folders from Launchpad
Continuity Activation Tool 2.0 now available for use with Bluetooth 4.0 skewers
Install your printer on the new OS X with Gutenprint
How to control your Mac with Siri with a few simple steps in AppleScript
How to enable the Repeat option in iTunes 12
Apple Releases New Update for RAW Compatibility for Digital Cameras
How to activate the option to press and hold a key and have it repeat
Use Mail Drop in OS X to send large files through any email account
Do you know the two mini-players included in iTunes 12?
Use Spotlight to shut down, restart, or log out of OS X Yosemite.
Users keep reporting Wi-Fi errors on OS X 10.10.1
How to increase or decrease the text size in Messages
Apple Releases New OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 After Releasing iOS 8.1.1
Change or disconnect your iCloud account in OS X
How to edit autofill information in OS X Safari
New compatibility update for RAW 6.01 digital cameras
How to go from OS X Yosemite to OS X Mavericks on our Mac
Using screen sharing in OS X Yosemite is really easy in OS X Yosemite
We explain how easy it is to use the new option of OS X Yosemite Dialing in Mail
OS X Yosemite came with the improved Mail app and we're using it
How to manage the Messages application in OS X Yosemite to create groups
Due to a translation error it seems impossible to unsubscribe from Apple's beta program, we will show you how to do it.
How to disable our startup password in OS X Yosemite
How to remove the guest user from our Mac so that it does not appear in the login
Enable the new volume adjustment sound in OS X Yosemite
We show you a general solution to different wi-fi problems that can appear in OS X Yosemite
How to increase the contrast in OS X Yosemite 10.10 from the System Preferences menu
Capture the screen of your iOS device in video in OS X in an extremely simple way
How to Use Your iPhone's Internet on Your Mac with Instant Hotspot
Know the secrets of the Dock if you are a newcomer to OS X
How to remove transparencies in OS X Yosemite
cDock, the application used to modify the design of the Dock in Yosemite and Mavericks
With this trick you can recover the complete URL in Safari of OS X Yosemite
The progress bar on OS X Yosemite startup is normal
Maximize windows again with the green button in OS X
Some options to solve the error "File system verify or repair failed" that some users appear when installing OS X Yosemite
With the new version of Apple's operating system, widgets have also reached the notification center. Learn to use them.
OS X Yosemite outperforms Mavericks in first 24 hour installs
Tutorial on how to install OS X Yosemite 10.10 from scratch on our Mac
Yosemite releases an update once installed for dictation and voices
We can finally download OS X Yosemite 10.10 from the Mac App Store
We leave the list of Mac's compatible with OS X Yosemite 10.10
Prepare your Mac for when the possibility of installing OS X Yosemite arrives, everything is ready
Learn how to force restart a Mac in case it freezes
OS X 10.10 Yosemite and the evolution of Automator
Manage the applications that open on your Mac when connecting an iPhone or an iPad
Mail Update for OS X Yosemite Developer Preview
OS X Yosemite Betas Keep Breaking Installation Records
OS X Yosemite Public Beta 2 is now available for download on the Mac App Store
Summary of Small New Features in OS X Yosemite 10.10 DP6
Now available to download the new wallpapers of OS X Yosemite
Siri is going to conquer the world of the Mac
Automatically turn Dark mode on and off with Lights Out
We show you how to maximize windows in OS X Yosemite without having to enter full screen mode with the green button.
Download bug fix for the new OS X Yosemite 10.10 public beta
Know what the Handoff tool is and which computers will be compatible with it
Apple will stop updating the Aperture application to launch the new one, called Photos
The Dark Mode in OS X Yosemite is a skin change for OS X Yosemite that Apple did not explain at WWDC
Only Macs with Bluetooth 4.0 / LE will be able to use the "Hand-off" functionality in OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Apple Releases Official Video of OS X Yosemite Changes
Apple changes the font in OS X Yosemite for the first time
Apple removes the Dashboard in OS X 10.10 Yosemite to include it in the new Notification Center
Apple adds Bing as a search engine for Bing
Apple has made many visual changes to OS X Yosemite
One of the mythical curiosities of Preview ends after fourteen years with Yosemite
With the arrival of the new OS X Yosemite, Netflix developers are using HTML5 instead of Microsoft's Silverlight.
We show you a summary of which in my opinion are the best and most important features that Apple has presented in OS X Yosemite
Airdrop compatible in this new version of OS X 10.10 Yosemite with iOS devices
Here's how to create a test partition so you can install OS X Yosemite without having to 'update' your main system
Final Cut Pro X does not work correctly with the new OS X Yosemite Beta, although following these steps you can correct the error.
The question is when will OS X Yosemite be available and will almost certainly be in October
Small summary of the improvements of Safari in OS X Yosemite
The official OS X Yosemite wallpapers for Mac and iOS devices are now available
We present the list of macs that will support the new OS X 10.10 Yosemite system
OS X 10.10 Yosemite has brought in addition to a significant amount of aesthetic changes, other pure functionality such as iCloud Drive and Mail Drop.
Nine wallpapers for our devices totally free