FlashToHTML5, an essential extension if you use Safari
In my view, the great advantage of HTML5 at the user level over Flash is that the consumption of ...
In my view, the great advantage of HTML5 at the user level over Flash is that the consumption of ...
Apple stores embrace the 100% Mac'era philosophy but also offer a degree of freedom to their customers ...
Google Chrome is my default browser among other things because of the fantastic Omnibar, but now the way has come ...
After presenting the OptiBay yesterday, today was the fun day of the OptiBay, since the ...
The biggest novelty presented yesterday by Facebook was the video chat created in ...
I'm not exactly a fan of the Hackintosh and that should be known to you regulars of the blog, but there are times when ...
The new Apple tablet has already fallen into my hands and the first impressions are fantastic despite ...
The iWatchz nanoclipz is an exclusive attachment system that uses the clip built into your 6th iPod nano ...
Are you wondering whether to jailbreak your Apple TV2? What exactly is jailbreak for on this device? Having…
It seems that the scene of the iPod nano 6G is starting to be animated in a very interesting way, and it is that Steven Troughton-Smith ...
And continuing with the summary reports for this year ending 2010 Panda Security has just announced its viral anecdote ...
Riven, the sequel to Myst, has become the most busy game on the entire App Store. for…
And we continue with the summary reports of this year ending 2010, this time that of the online magazine Gamasutra, ...
Continuing with the summary reports for this year ending 2010 Panda Security has just announced its security forecasts ...
The Media Markt company enters vending with a machine that preserves the striking style of the business. A…
Safari has managed to be one of the favorite browsers for many users. One thing you can notice ...
Several Wall Street analysts spent much of the Thanksgiving weekend observing ...
What are we talking about when we refer to "internet television"? Well, plain and simple, to television distributed by ...
Ever since Apple introduced the iPod nano multitouch, we all knew that sooner or later a case had to appear ...
Solution for the iPhoto 11 bug: A little over a week ago we mentioned the problem of ...
In the year 2000, digital music players were big and slow or small and useless with interfaces ...
The latest press releases report that Apple has received a number of patents from the Patent office and…
Personalize your iPod, iPad or iPhone with your own design.
Jivo Elements headphones for iPad, iPhone and iPod, made with recyclable materials.
Apple has a fairly old habit of offering many of its remanufactured products, or what is the same, products ...
The concern of many in this age full of gadgets and technology is the radiation they emit and that ...
Among so many accessories with which we can combine our Apple gadgets, today we will talk about an interesting and quite complete ...
Since the launch of the Apple iPad, people in the world have not stopped talking about this new ...
The new accessory for iPhone that we will talk about today is a 'sleep analyzer' that has been baptized WakeMate, yes, ...
Imagine this for a few seconds: we want to experience the magical and expressive essence that a good song gives us with ...
With the inclusion of the MicroShell, EcoSleeve and EcoRunner models, the Marware company announced the launch of a ...
The appearance of the first worm for the iPhone with Jailbreak that had an SSH network protocol installed was no more than ...
It's been a long time since we talked about iPod cases and their usefulness for athletes, but I don't know ...
“It's sad that VHS, Hi8 and Video8 movies degrade over time, ultimately losing quality…
With the arrival of the recent iTunes 9 it is quite possible that some of the plugins, the visualizations or ...
It is not very common for Apple to perform software updates on its simpler iPods, but this time it has…
It was not logical to renew an iPod that has been recently with its new aesthetic, and so has Apple….
Every second that passes there are thousands of heads thinking about new products and new gadgets; and the importance they have ...
AppleTV occasionally needs a nudge on some options and features; so without giving it so much thought this time we will talk about NitoTV, the plugin that promises to turn your AppleTV into a whole Media Center with nothing to envy anyone ... and do not say again that it is missing anything! ;)
Philips presents us with one of these light alarm clocks compatible with Apple gadgets such as the iPhone and iPod, and that gives us the option to adjust the light according to our preferences. Know it
PDX-30 and PDX-50 are the references of the last two Yamaha sound systems, which were released some ...
Much has been said in the makeup blogs about UltraSn0w, a software that boasts (or boasted) of being the ...
Just for general knowledge and broadening of knowledge (I don't think they don't know what we're talking about), vinyl records ...
Yesterday, if I'm not mistaken, I wrote on MundiVideojuegos.com, in a post about «The DSI with a translucent casing: XCM Eye Candy ...
The newly launched iPhone 3GS have a coverage designed with the intention of removing the problem of annoying ...
As we have seen, it seems that there are numerous reports of failures in the iPhone and iPod Touch with respect ...
Surely you are reading this post and you think that the writer made a mistake and read a rather outdated source and that in ...
Several complaints have come to light regarding the constant overheating of the iPhone 3G and iPhone ...
Although Spain is not a device that is easily seen, Apple TV is there, it is marketed ...
Apple has various services that ensure not only a gift full of technology and elegance but that it can become ...
Rumors have come about the iPhon3 and based on them we have ideas of what the next one would be like ...
With the Radius Products guarantee, the new headphones for iPod Nano, Tru Tune Fine ...
When you think you've seen everything, something always comes up that makes you realize that technology doesn't ...
In the event that Apple is interested in Twitter and Electronic Arts, let's do an analysis of the latest movements ...
Specifically, there are two rigid covers made of carbon fiber for the first generation iPod Touch and for ...
Today we will show you details of the TravelSound i85, it is a compact portable speaker with FM tuner for the ...
It has been known through iLounge that versions 8.1 and 8.1.1 of iTunes have not been able to work in ...
A highly organized battle for sales has raged between the Blackberry and Apple's iPhone. Research in ...
For many people who are releasing the Beta of the iPhone OS 3.0 in its version for the iPod Touch 2G, ...
Many comments have been heard about the fact that the Apple company has taken off the market this weekend ...
Logitech Pure-Fi Express Plus is a multidirectional loudspeaker whose main virtue is to provide excellent sound quality, and on the other ...
Not a few people have gotten used to sleeping listening to the radio, perhaps the voice of their favorite announcer ...
As we all know there are many services with which we can download high definition movies and content, but the fact ...
Continuing with the details of the new third generation iPod Shuffle, I will tell you that the iPod Shuffle has increased its ...
This device, the third generation iPod Shuffle, has generated diverse opinions, some good and others not so much, but, in ...
The Apple company has launched headphones with the iPod Shuffle that pass the controls of the ...
In China, the domain of downloads is generally handled by the free mp3 search tool ...
The smallest music player in the world, now this is CUPERTINO, California USA —March 11, 2009 Apple®…
The company Altec Lansing has presented us the new inMotion MAX, a loudspeaker with excellent digital audio system in ...
According to Wired magazine and Alex C from Vidaextra, they recommend a compilation of the 10 games for iPhone and for…
ILife'09 users should already know that new features have arrived that will improve the dexterity of the ...
The name of the iPod was suggested by Mr. Vinnie Chieco, a San Francisco-based advertising writer. Chieco worked ...
There is already more than one article around the blogosphere about the mod to make the original headphones with micro ...
With Neodymium conductors and developed with the highest quality standards, conditioned with aluminum cones that ensure ...
We have no doubt that the king of Christmas shopping is the iPod, especially this year in the ...
Lovers of music and faithful sound will be happy to know that Apple has finally started to…
These days when technology is booming, many times we find ourselves tangled with cables, some over there ...
As far as sound quality is concerned, the headphones that come from the factory with our iPod are not particularly ...
Greenpeace, the well-known environmental group, has a very particular way of making industries take responsibility for the complete cycle ...
The headphones that come with the iPod sound good to the general public, but they are not ...
Many users have seen their intentions to use their Mac failed, because when they start their activities and try to open ...
i-Station Rodate, is the name of the new Dock + Speakers whose main virtue is that they are compatible with the iPhone and ...
According to a study carried out by the Australian bank "Commonwealth Bank", Australia is precisely the country where you can find cheaper an iPod Nano
The application itself is a bit expensive but good enough to handle a virtual keyboard and mouse in ...
The quintessential iPod for jogging is still the Shuffle because of the clip and the little one ...
All of us who have or know a little about the iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch know the problem ...
After talking about Tablet Mac, MacBook Tab, touch screens, and many more speculations, they only gave us an iPhone ...
If you have a Mac Mini, a TV with VGA or HDMI input and a good collection of CDs and DVDs ...
The new iMac is out! They have taken a day early to throw off the «rumorolofera» !!! Well, the € 999 ...
The 8Gb iPhone dies. As can be read according to macrumors sources, the 8Gb iPhone suffers a kick in ...
iAlertU is a GNU application that when run remains as resident in the Mac bar and allows blocking from ...
I echo the link that a reader sent (thanks!), About a step by step published in instructables to perform ...
I have always thought about it, it has always given me the feeling, but I never really delved into it: the design of the ...