Schoolwork update

Schoolwork App Update on Mac

Apple prepares for a pre-eminently online return to school by updating one of its quintessential school applications on the Mac: Schoolwork

Apple podcast

Keyboard shortcuts for the macOS Podcast app

If you are a regular user of Apple podcasts and you have also become accustomed to using keyboard shortcuts, you may be interested in knowing the ones that we show you in this article


Keyboard shortcuts for Maps on Mac

Keyboard shortcuts for Maps on Mac. Especially if you use Maps on your MacBook without a mouse, the keyboard shortcuts will work great for you.

Affinity Suite

Affinity suite free for 90 days

Affinity suite free for 90 days. You can try the entire suite for the next 90 days, and if it convinces you, now with a 50% discount.

Sleep as an Droid

The best task apps to replace Wunderlist

On May 6, Wunderlist will stop working, but before that date, we must have entrusted our tasks to another application. If you are looking for alternatives, we will show you the best options

Noise Meter Pro free

Noise Meter Pro for Mac, now free

You have available in the Mac App Store Noise Meter Pro for free, Use your Mac as if it were an Apple Watch and measure the noise in your environment.

VPN for Mac

How to use VPN on Mac

Do you need to use VPN on Mac? Discover the easiest and fastest way to browse safely and privately from your Apple computer.

The 5 best Mac games of 2019

Enjoy with any of these games that are part of the 5 best games for Mac of this year 2019 and that we have Apple Arcade

Comic Book Viewer

Applications to open .CBR files

If you are looking for applications to enjoy your favorite comics on the Mac, in this article we will show you which are the 3 best for macOS.