WineBottler, a help for Wine on Mac OS X
I know that most maqueros are reluctant to run any glimpse of Windows on Mac (I was the first), ...
I know that most maqueros are reluctant to run any glimpse of Windows on Mac (I was the first), ...
All owners of a MacBook with a multi-touch trackpad or Magic Mouse should use software that allows them ...
Are you a regular at BootCamp? If the answer is yes, maybe sometimes you have thought that it would be great if there were ...
If downloading via torrent files is one of your favorites, then you have an ally in SwarmQuery. This program…
Surely many maqueros have in iPhoto more than 20 or 30 GB of photos (and some double or ...
If you like to have your Mac controlled from anywhere, then you will be a fan of the Screen Sharing function that…
If you are a fan of LEGO and you spend the whole day building what you can think of with the ...
If you have a Mac with a multi-touch trackpad or you just bought a Magic Mouse, be very attentive to ...
Boot Camp has received an update after quite some time but they have not yet implemented what many of ...
“It's sad that VHS, Hi8 and Video8 movies degrade over time, ultimately losing quality…
If there was an essential program on my Mac with Leopard, that was Onyx, since it allows us to carry a ...
Sometimes I find that in the native applications of my Mac inexplicable things are missing, that although not ...
Without a doubt it is the most used button in Windows, and if it is not used as much on Mac it is because ...
Writing to NTFS disks on our Mac is always something that tends to give some war, but for that the ...
Go ahead to say that QuickTime X has completely changed the market for screencasters, since right now ...
QuickTime X is a very good, complete program with flawless operation and performance, but something is missing….
Although there are very few applications that we may need for our Intel Mac in Snow Leopard, perhaps there is an application that ...
Most of the people who use their Mac do not use it to play games (which is logical), but everyone ...
We know that Flickr is a well-known virtual community that allows you to store, sort, search and share photos and videos online; millions…
Nokia has launched a very interesting application, it is Nokia Ovi Files (Nokia Ovi Files in English), which…
AppleTV occasionally needs a nudge on some options and features; so without giving it so much thought this time we will talk about NitoTV, the plugin that promises to turn your AppleTV into a whole Media Center with nothing to envy anyone ... and do not say again that it is missing anything! ;)
In the past post "Clean My Mac, the application to save space on your Apple computer", the first part of this one, we started by telling you some options that you will have when using the Clean My Mac application, which promises to be the best to help you save space in your memory, so that you use just what you need. Learn more about this interesting software.
From the hand of MacLatino colleagues, today we bring you some information about an interesting and very useful application that will help us, as its name indicates, to always keep our Mac computer clean, which will be translated into the large amount of space saved that later you will notice that you have acquired.
The other day we saw ZIPs, which are a very interesting option for QuickLook and today we are going to see a ...
It will not be once or twice that you have gone to eject an external disk and your ...
You know that I always try to put here the best free programs on the net for our Macs, and today we are going ...
You know that I always try to bring you the best Mac programs that exist, and I usually focus on free software ...
Just yesterday I was talking about the existence of viruses for Mac, although they are quite harmless and not very worrying. Even so,…
SaaS, the software model that is presented as a service, is having particular success among Spanish companies and ...
The graphic power of your computer is one of the critical issues with which you have surely had to understand ...
If there's a program that hates my Mac's hard drive, it's jDownloader, because when I put it on and it starts ...
When you think you've seen everything, something always comes up that makes you realize that technology doesn't ...
Many have complained about the waste of time spent managing files and folders on the "renderfarm" ...
No one doubts that the distribution of data by torrent is continually on the rise, so the choice of a…
For those who suddenly do not identify iCal well, I remind you: iCal is a personal calendar application created by ...
For many people who are releasing the Beta of the iPhone OS 3.0 in its version for the iPod Touch 2G, ...
On many occasions there has been talk of applications whose function is to program alarms, wake us up and remind us of things, apart from ...
We all thought it was going to exceed $ 100 during the course of the presentation but in the end they gave us ...
iWork, as many must already know, is Apple's IT department for applications, created especially for the operating system ...
For the classicists and Latinists here is a small list of Mac programs that will surely interest you, however ...
Good news for those who want to de-stress a bit between working hours. In the App Store ...
Microsoft has pleased many users, has given POP3 support in Hotmail accounts, something expected and that has ...
I am going to approach it from three points of view in time: Before, during and after. Before the KeyNote: Days ...
Yes sir, the EA games are sloppy and try to tease us by saying that they have taken a ...
It is what we needed to read. A user rented a movie from his new MacBook from the iTunes Store ...
Wacom launched at the end of September a set of mini applications for its tablets that allow you to get more out of it. Yes…
The largest operating system in the world, Mac OS X incorporates one more version to that considerable number of features that has been accumulating since 2001. For those who do not know it, the pronounced Mac O-Ese Ten is one of the lines of computer operating systems released by Apple as a developer, marketer and seller.
The application itself is a bit expensive but good enough to handle a virtual keyboard and mouse in ...
Although in a more or less near future it will be normal to download movies from the network or watch them on ...
I just saw a Kiwinho tutorial that explains it very well and I'm going to explain it here ...
We have talked a lot these days about MobileMe, whose main function is the synchronization of our entire digital life. Nevertheless,…
A few days ago I published an entry about data loss due to colluded Windows and VM Ware Fusion ...
In addition to liking the Dock on one side better to take better advantage of the panoramic screen of my MacBook Pro, I…
TeamViewer is a great remote management program for Windows and Mac that has a server-based technology ...
These days when we only talk about the iPhone 3G, we are going to talk about tricks. We are looking at ...
The most gamers are in luck with "second level shadows" in Windows Direct X 9 in a ...
If you don't have a newer apple laptop, you only have some multitouch when using two fingers ...
A few days ago I commented here that SuperDuper is the best option to enhance a backup ...
If you have a Mac Mini, a TV with VGA or HDMI input and a good collection of CDs and DVDs ...
There is a trick circulating for a long time on multiple cheat sites on the net that allows us to do that ...
Logically, the first backup we make using Time Machine to a disk connected to an Airport Extreme or ...
As I mentioned in the previous post, Time Machine has its problems when restoring a complete system….
It seems that after the arrival of Leopard, some hard drives gave a problem with no apparent solution according to the verification ...
Looking for some information about the memory of our Mac I have come across this curious tool that provides information ...
Many switchers (from Windows to Mac) are the ones who have asked me how they could get a keyboard shortcut ...
Note: This solution is not illegal because it is a backup copy which in turn speeds up the processes ...
iAlertU is a GNU application that when run remains as resident in the Mac bar and allows blocking from ...
The ability to control a Mac from the iPhone or iPod Touch is an option that would open up tremendous options. So…
Nothing better than a simple application that solves undesirable problems. Yes sir, the exaggerated brightness of a screen can be ...
gOS, is a version of Linux optimized for web 2.0, with direct integration with the best services such as GMail, ...
And what the hell is this scrobbling thing? Scrobbling consists in that, when you are listening to music, it will be sent to ...
Always with things to save to reuse in other documents? Xpad can be very useful for such cases, ...
Books is a complete personal Library manager, a free option to the Delicious Library paid software. The main difference ...
Color Oracle is a small freeware of just 148 kb that will help you put yourself in the place of ...