One of the great requests of the Gamers more Apple fans will finally be able to see one of their dreams come true Gaming most desired, which is none other than being able to enjoy the best retro emulators in the Apple Store, that is, it will now allow the emulator apps of consoles so you can enjoy the usual games.
Previously we had already seen how there are emulators for mac, an interesting way to enjoy a large amount of video games on the computer, but now it is going to be much simpler and easier, since Apple has decided that there can finally be different console emulator apps. Now you can play the best retro games of yesteryear!
A great step to enjoy the best video games
It was a matter of time, because Apple has had to wait, but it has finally taken a significant step for the most gamers by allow retro game emulators on the App Store, marking a major change in the strict company policies We all know that they are very jealous of allowing external apps.
If in some way it was already possible to enjoy some titles on our Apple devices, such as the Netflix video games that could be accessed, now the users of iPhone and iPad They will be able to access a wide range of emulators, a unique opportunity for people looking to relive the nostalgia of old classic games, from consoles like nintendo, sega and many more.
The reason why Apple has decided to raise its hand a little is that it recently updated its requirements in the review for the App Store by raising the ban on emulators of retro game consoles. This modification allows different developers to present applications without so many limitations, which can be downloaded from Apple Store to be able to enjoy the best classic and retro games of the moment on iOS devices.
Enjoy the best retro games
With this new measure it will be possible to play almost any game console emulator on our iPhone, iPad, Mac. A wide selection of retro games that they will fully comply with the requirements and the new guidelines, duly licensed and most importantly, that they do not infringe intellectual property and have all legal requirements.
This could in principle limit the initial catalog of games available compared to other platforms such as Android, but surely over time the usual titles, or at least the most famous ones, with which we enjoyed hours and hours as children.
There is little left until we can see the best emulators of the moment in the App Store, which will allow iPhone and iPad users to enjoy a wide range of classic games directly on your devices.
What are these emulators?
If you have never played a retro emulator, you must stay with the idea that they are simulators of video game consoles of yesteryear, a kind of programs that "simulate or emulate" Nintendo or Sega consoles, and that we will now be able to enjoy on our iPhone or iPad. Of course, unlike Android, where emulators usually run ROM files, Apple seems to focus on allowing emulators in the App Store to facilitate the Download games directly to your device.
That is, as if it were just another app that you have, to which you can access directly, without having to first go through any other application. This decision complies with the company's regulations and provides a more controlled experience for users.
Is it worth playing emulators on an iPhone or iPad?
Although there is currently a wide range of compact video game consoles, which offer impressive graphics and great performance, being able to play emulators on an iPhone or iPad It is undoubtedly a really fun experience, since although the titles that will be available do not have the best graphics or the best sound, being able to enjoy retro games, whenever you want, anywhere and anytime from your iPhone or iPad, is worth it. definitely worth it.
Something completely recommended, not only for those who are always up to date with gaming news, like those who want to occasionally enjoy a good classic and retro game apps. Now you can relive the nostalgia of the lifelong games with emulators on iOS, enjoying iconic titles such as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Sonic, Street Fighter, Pokémon, Donkey Kong and many more.
In short, this decision by Apple to allow retro game emulators on the App Store It is a step that will please many gamers who have been asking for a long time to be able to enjoy the games of yesteryear on their iPhone or iPad, but this time officially, with all the permissions, and although there are still challenges to overcome in terms of implementation and compliance of the regulations, this opening is a good news for classic game enthusiasts and a step, undoubtedly correct, in the strategy that Apple now has regarding video games on brand devices.